Ok I see what went wrong.
I accidentally had a XEN kernel still running so insmod did not work.
Now it works and the message disappeared.
But, kqemu is not much faster than qemu. I perceive about 1.5x over a
1gbit network to a terminal through an x session.
It is much much slower than win4lin, but it is free and
I can live with it under most applications except streaming.
Is there something I could have done wrong?
Server: Dual Opteron 1.6Ghz/16G SUN V20Z
Terminal: Mac Mini 1.6GHz
Connected with 1Gbit network.
Jan Jezabek wrote:
Question 1) Does KQemu require Intel VT or AMD-V processors ?
Question 2) Qemu runs and XP as guest is working on a Linux FC7 host.
I installed kqemu from sources (kqemu-1.3.0pre11.tar.gz) and it
configured/mak/make install without errors.
However, when I e.g. start a VM, I still get the following error:
qemu]# qemu -hda WinXP_Home.img
Could not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated
So it seems that devices were never created. there is also no kqemu
daemon or anything I can verify kqemu to be running.
It is not in processes either.
Maybe I misuunderstand how kqemu works, but usually it should be a
daemon if it creates a device '/dev/kqemu' at installation !
Any Ideas where I got the cat by the tail?
KQEMU is a kernel module. You'll need to do
/sbin/modprobe kqemu
(as root) before you start QEMU. Then the warning will go away and
QEMU will be accelerated.
Jan Jezabek