On 09/27/2012 10:22 AM, Corey Bryant wrote:
On 06/04/2012 03:37 PM, Stefan Berger wrote:
+/* whether the STS interrupt is supported */
+/*#define RAISE_STS_IRQ */
Why is this commented out?
Will activate it.
+ if ((tis->loc[locty].inte & TPM_TIS_INT_ENABLED) &&
+ (tis->loc[locty].inte & irqmask)) {
+ dprintf("tpm_tis: Raising IRQ for flag %08x\n", irqmask);
+ qemu_irq_raise(s->s.tis.irq);
+ tis->loc[locty].ints |= irqmask;
Should the ints irqmask be set before the interrupt is raised?
I don't think the order matters. If multiple threads were in here we'd
need to lock the access to the variable altogether.
+ TPMTISState *tis = &s->s.tis;
+ int change = (s->s.tis.active_locty != new_active_locty);
+ if (change && TPM_TIS_IS_VALID_LOCTY(s->s.tis.active_locty)) {
+ /* reset flags on the old active locality */
+ tis->loc[s->s.tis.active_locty].access &=
Should TPM_TIS_ACCESS_REQUEST_USE be modified for the old locality
when we are in here for TPM_TIS_ACCESS_SEIZE?
The TPM TIS document says the following (in the TPM_ACCESS_x table,
under the Seize bit description):
"2. Setting this bit does not affect the state of the
TPM_ACCESS_x.requestUse bit for any locality except the one issuing
the Seize bit."
Good catch. In the case of the function being called as part of a seize,
the REQUEST_USE flag will not be touched anymore.
+ tis->loc[locty].sts = TPM_TIS_STS_VALID |
+ tis->loc[locty].status = TPM_TIS_STATUS_COMPLETION;
Can tis->loc[locty].status be changed to tis->loc[locty].state? This
is very confusing when named "status" because it is easy to confuse
with the TPM_INT_STATUS register, which in actuality it is unrelated.
Yes, it's now called TPMTISState and the previously existing TPMTISState
has now been renamed to TPMTISEmuState.
+ ret =
+ if (tis->loc[locty].r_offset >= len) {
+ /* got last byte */
+ tis->loc[locty].sts = TPM_TIS_STS_VALID;
Should dataAvail be turned off here?
The data available flag TPM_TIS_STS_DATA_AVAILABLE is part of the .sts
field and is turned off due to the above value assignment.
+ if (tis->active_locty == locty) {
+ if ((tis->loc[locty].sts & TPM_TIS_STS_DATA_AVAILABLE)) {
+ val =
+ - tis->loc[locty].r_offset) << 8 |
Can you create/use a #define for burstCount instead of using a
hard-coded 8?
+ switch (off) {
+ if ((val & TPM_TIS_ACCESS_SEIZE)) {
+ }
Is there a reason why this code can't be merged with the "(val &
TPM_TIS_ACCESS_SEIZE)" check that is down below?
The above code means that in case the SEIZE flag is set, all other flags
are ignored. It makes the subsequent tests for single bits a lot easier
to handle. I prefer to do the masking of those bits at the beginning.
+ /* check for ongoing seize by a higher locality */
+ for (l = locty + 1; l < TPM_TIS_NUM_LOCALITIES; l++) {
+ if ((tis->loc[l].access & TPM_TIS_ACCESS_SEIZE)) {
+ break;
Were you intending to break from the for loop or the while?
Right. I am setting a flag here now to then leave the while loop.
+ tis->loc[locty].inte = (val & (TPM_TIS_INT_ENABLED | (0x3 <<
3) |
Is 0x3 << 3 == typePolarity? Could a #define be introduced for this
instead of hard coding it?
+ /* abort currently running command */
+ dprintf("tpm_tis: %s: Initiating abort.\n",
+ __func__);
+ tpm_tis_prep_abort(s, locty, locty);
+ break;
Does this path need to abort if TPM_STS_x.dataAvail is on? This
comment is based on "Table 19: State Transition Table." from the TPM
TIS document.
If TPM_TIS_STATUS_COMPLETION is the current state, then independent of
the TPM_TIS_STS_DATA_AVAILABLE flag the state transition is to idle
(states 30 and 37 in the spec). Following state 0.B in the spec, we
implement a TPM without idle state and so we transition to READY state
immediately. The data available flag should be reset, though.
+ tis->loc[locty].sts = TPM_TIS_STS_EXPECT |
+ } else {
+ /* packet complete */
+ tis->loc[locty].sts = TPM_TIS_STS_VALID;
Should EXPECT be turned off here instead of where it is currently
turned off in tpm_tis_tpm_send?
The TPM_TIS_STS_EXPECT is turned off as part of the above value
assignment but I removed the unnecessary masking of this bit in
tpm_tis_tpm_send now and let the GO flag only submit the command if the
EXPECT flag is not set anymore.
I hope this addresses your concerns in this part.