Apologizing is a sign of weakness. That's one of the rules on NCIS.
On 11/9/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I must apologize for subscribing to this list, but the Qemu users list > is dead, sop this is my only option. > I understand it is a development list, but I would appreciate some help. > > I will make it concise. > > 1) What is the best Distro to run Qemu on with the least hassles? > FYI, I now run it on FC7, but it is a lot of trouble. kqemu refuses to > work on FC7 on a v20z Sun dual cpu dual core rack server > XEN just completely doesnt load even though the Kernel is XEN, but at > least qemu works with the following Caveat; > "Could not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated" 1/ I absolutely love it on Solaris. Mainly because I am a Solaris bigot. Barring that it should run relatively uniformly on different Linuxi. 2) Does an activated QEMU acceleration layer (missing above) make a > huge difference? Yep. Seems to be about 5x faster on my 1.6Ghz celeron laptop. 3) I have several operating systems successfully loaded in Qemu > sessions, but networking is just not working. I worked through loads of > FAQs from the net, but to no avail. Try adding -net nic,model=rtl8139 -net user Use DHCP if you can. 4) Finally is there a preferred distro which is known to solve all the > problems mentioned above? Surely you can't be serious. :) (Yes, I know, don't call you Shirley) Thanks. > > > > -- -- Jonathan Kalbfeld ThoughtWave Technologies LLC www.thoughtwave.com +1 323 620 6682