On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 08:31:46PM +0200, Dmitry Fleytman wrote:
> Device RX initization from driver's side consists of following steps:
>   1. Initialize head and tail of RX ring to 0
>   2. Enable Rx (set bit in RCTL register)
>   3. Allocate buffers, fill descriptors
>   4. Write ring tail
> Forth operation signals hardware that RX buffers available
> and it may start packets indication.
> Current implementation treats first operation (write 0 to ring tail)
> as signal of buffers availability and starts data transfers as soon
> as RX enable indicaton arrives.
> This is not correct because there is a chance that ring is still
> empty (third action not performed yet) and then memory corruption
> occures.

Any idea what the point of hw/e1000.c check_rxov is?  I see nothing in
the datasheet that requires these semantics.

The Linux e1000 driver never enables the RXO (rx fifo overflow)
interrupt, only RXDMT0 (receive descriptor minimum threshold).  This
means hw/e1000.c will not upset the Linux e1000 driver when
e1000_receive() gets called with check_rxov == 1 and RDH == RDT == 0.

BTW the Linux e1000 driver does not follow the sequence recommended in
the datasheet 14.4 Receive Initialization, which would avoid the weird
window of time where RDH == RDT == 0.

If we get rid of check_rxov and always check rxbuf space then we have
the correct behavior.  I'm a little nervous of simply dropping it
because its purpose is unclear to me :(.


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