"Michael S. Tsirkin" <m...@redhat.com> writes:

> On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 01:00:13PM -0400, Don Slutz wrote:
>> +            if (next_chain_offset) {
>> +                MptSGEntryChain sgec;
>> +                cpu_physical_memory_read(seg_start_pa + next_chain_offset,
>> +                        &sgec, sizeof(MptSGEntryChain));
>> +                assert(sgec.u2ElementType == MPTSGENTRYTYPE_CHAIN);
>> +                next_sge_pa = sgec.u32SegmentAddressLow;
>> +                if (sgec.f64BitAddress) {
>> +                    next_sge_pa |=
>> +                        ((uint64_t)sgec.u32SegmentAddressHigh) << 32;
>> +                }
>> +                seg_start_pa = next_sge_pa;
>> +                next_chain_offset = sgec.u8NextChainOffset * 
>> sizeof(uint32_t);
> BTW all this logic seems wrong on big endian.
> Maybe we don't care short term but we do long term.

I think we care short term.  It's easy enough to copy and past but i'm
not inclined to believe this will be maintained longer term if someone
makes the investment to de-uglify things.

I can tolerate a lot, but I'm not going to pull something with variable
names of 'u8NextChainOffset' :-)  Changing this in tree is just
unnecessary churn.


Anthony Liguori

> I think you need to fix it up using le_to_cpu or something.
> And in particular this likely means bitfields can not be used cleanly,
> so you will not be able to resync lsilogic.h from virtualbox.
> The implication I guess is that we should just fix up the style
> to match qemu.
> -- 

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