Hi Kent,
I have solved the issue. The problem was that in CentOS the tpm_dis
driver is integrated into the kernel and it was not loaded by default. I
have added the following keywords to the kernel load line in the bootloader:
Now the /dev/tpm0 device appears in the virtual machine and the TSS
library loads correctly.
On 08/20/2012 10:14 PM, Kent Yoder wrote:
Hi Jordi,
On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 06:12:44PM -0400, Jordi Cucurull Juan wrote:
Dear all,
I am testing the TPM patches of Stefan Berger to provide TPM support
to QEMU. Nevertheless I have not managed to run them successfully.
During the compilation of QEMU with his patches (V18 for revision
563987d) I have not had any issue. But, I have a virtual machine
based on CentOS 6.2 and the TPM does not seem to be present. I run
the machine with the following command line (as a root user):
# /usr/local/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -hda qemu-disk-centos.img -m
1024 -boot d -enable-kvm -usbdevice tablet -k es -tpmdev
passthrough,id=tpm0,path=/dev/tpm0 -device tpm-tis,tpmdev=tpm0
My real machine has an Infineon TPM v1.2. When I try to load the TSS
library (Trousers) inside the client machine (the CentOS 6.2) it
throws the following error:
insmod: error inserting
-1 no such device
This should be fine - the tpm_tis driver should be driving the vtpm.
Apart from this, QEMU does not throw any error. Should I enable
something else to have access to the TPM? In addition, I do not see
any /dev/vtpm0 device in my real machine.
As I understand them, the qemu patches allow direct writing from the
guest to the host's /dev/tpm0, so you wouldn't see a new device node.
Best regards,
Jordi Cucurull Juan
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