On 20.08.2012 21:13, Tomas Racek wrote:
Can we trim the old, large and now not-so-relevant discussion please? ;)

> I can provide you with more different traces if it can help. But I thought 
> that maybe it will be more useful for you to try it on your own. So I've 
> prepared some minimal debian installation which you could download here (apx 
> 163M bzipped):
> http://fi.muni.cz/~xracek/debian.img.bz2
> Password:
> root/asdfgh
> Here is my config for guest kernel:
> http://fi.muni.cz/~xracek/config
> I use
> qemu-kvm -m 1500 -hda debian.img -kernel linux/arch/x86/boot/bzImage -append 
> "root=/dev/sda1"

Um.  I'd expect the image to be self-contained, no external kernel.
I wanted to do a quick test to see if it fails on my machine too,
d/loaded debian.img.bz2 but there's no kernel.  So.. no quick test
for you ;)

> After logging in just run "sh runtest.sh". This leads to crash in my case 
> (host: Intel Core i5-2540M, kernel 3.5.2-1.fc17.x86_64, qemu 1.0.1).

With all the above, this "runtest.sh" is informationally equal to
your disk image.


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