Am 30.09.2007 um 17:05 schrieb Andreas Färber:

Am 30.09.2007 um 16:37 schrieb J. Mayer:

If someone has a speedup idea for the __APPLE__ case, that could
still be applied separately.

I guess there are some already defined macros in the Apple build
environmnet that should be used instead. But I don't know too much about
this environment... The slowdown is really not an issue in that
particular case.

Actually, I am now seeing that in math.h Apple itself uses __attribute__ ((always_inline)) for __MATH_H_ALWAYS_INLINE__ if __GNUC__ is defined ... so I now believe the issue is rather the "recursive" definition of always_inline: QEMU defines always_inline and it subsequently tries to replace always_inline inside the __attribute__(()) in math.h! Could this be it?

Puzzling, the attached patch works. It appears to be the trailing inline that it doesn't like for some reason.



Attachment: vl.h-exec-all.h-inline-2007-09-30.diff
Description: Binary data

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