The problem must come from somewhere else. VGA (as any other device)
must not depend on the target CPU endianness (note that the endianness
tests in the memory handlers are only necessary because the bus API is
still incomplete).
Stefan Weil wrote:
here is a patch which makes VGA usable for Malta MIPS32 in big endian
mode. I don't know whether other big endian emulations need a
patch for VGA, too.
Index: hw/vga_template.h
RCS file: /sources/qemu/qemu/hw/vga_template.h,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -b -B -r1.13 vga_template.h
--- hw/vga_template.h 11 May 2006 21:54:44 -0000 1.13
+++ hw/vga_template.h 14 Jun 2007 20:10:25 -0000
@@ -327,6 +327,16 @@
palette = s1->last_palette;
width >>= 3;
for(x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+ ((PIXEL_TYPE *)d)[3] = palette[s[0]];
+ ((PIXEL_TYPE *)d)[2] = palette[s[1]];
+ ((PIXEL_TYPE *)d)[1] = palette[s[2]];
+ ((PIXEL_TYPE *)d)[0] = palette[s[3]];
+ ((PIXEL_TYPE *)d)[7] = palette[s[4]];
+ ((PIXEL_TYPE *)d)[6] = palette[s[5]];
+ ((PIXEL_TYPE *)d)[5] = palette[s[6]];
+ ((PIXEL_TYPE *)d)[4] = palette[s[7]];
((PIXEL_TYPE *)d)[0] = palette[s[0]];
((PIXEL_TYPE *)d)[1] = palette[s[1]];
((PIXEL_TYPE *)d)[2] = palette[s[2]];
@@ -335,6 +345,7 @@
((PIXEL_TYPE *)d)[5] = palette[s[5]];
((PIXEL_TYPE *)d)[6] = palette[s[6]];
((PIXEL_TYPE *)d)[7] = palette[s[7]];
d += BPP * 8;
s += 8;