On 08/01/2012 02:03 AM, Jeff Cody wrote:
On 07/30/2012 05:34 PM, Supriya Kannery wrote:
  For changing host pagecache setting of a running VM, it is
important to have a safe way of reopening its image file.

Hi Supriya,

I never received patches 6 or 8, either through the list or at my direct
email address - looking at the qemu-devel archives, they are also
missing from there:


Did those get lost somehow, or perhaps they didn't get sent?


Thanks! Jeff, for pointing this out. Looks like they got lost somehow,
because the I had tried to send the patchset to myself as a trial before
posting to qemu-devel and there I can see 6 and 8 as well.
Will resend the lost patches now.
 -Rgds, Supriya

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