On 03.07.2012, at 22:37, Jason Baron wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 03, 2012 at 08:52:50PM +0200, Alexander Graf wrote:
>> On 03.07.2012, at 20:46, Jason Baron wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jul 03, 2012 at 08:41:29PM +0200, Alexander Graf wrote:
>>>> On 03.07.2012, at 20:38, Jason Baron wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 03, 2012 at 08:25:52PM +0200, Alexander Graf wrote:
>>>>>> On 03.07.2012, at 18:16, Jason Baron wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> Update on q35 testing with various os's.
>>>>>>> Linux
>>>>>>> -----
>>>>>>> -RHEL6.3 installs + runs 
>>>>>>> -Fedora 16 install + runs
>>>>>>> -Fedora 17 - squashfs errors 
>>>>>>> running on already installed f17 seems ok.
>>>>>>> Windows
>>>>>>> -------
>>>>>>> -W7 - install error:
>>>>>>> "A required cd/dvd device driver is missing. If you have a
>>>>>>> driver floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive, please insert it now.
>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>> Related to the new ahci controller, since if I go back to an
>>>>>>> ide conroller it keeps going (albeit the install is *very* slow).
>>>>>>> So I'm wondering if we need an ide compatibility mode? Or perhaps, there
>>>>>>> are other ideas.
>>>>>> Does it work with AHCI and -M pc? It should. Last time I tried it did at 
>>>>>> least :).
>>>>>> Alex
>>>>> Yes, adding the ahci controller to -M pc, I see a disk drive and the
>>>>> controller show up in the device manager. I read in some of the ahci
>>>>> commit messages that the cdrom device didn't show up. Did cdrom ever
>>>>> work with ahci?
>>>> It did on Linux at least, yes. Does it work on Linux for you?
>>> I meant did a cdrom on the ahci controller configure on windows?
>>> Yes, Linux seems to be happy with the drive and cdrom on the ahci. See
>>> my above test results. (ich9-ahci is the default controller for q35).
>> Ah, good. I don't remember tbh. But I suppose since it doesn't work for you, 
>> it's broken :). Do you have time to look into it?
> I have time to look at it (I'm trying to get q35 working on as many os's
> as possible), but I'm far from an expert on ahci. So if you had some
> time to look at it, that would be great. My q35 trees are at:

Not sure how quickly I can get around to it. I still have quite a bunch of 
other stuff on my plate atm.

> git://github.com/jibaron/q35-qemu.git
> git://github.com/jibaron/q35-seabios.git
> With a cmd line such as:
> /usr/local/bin/qemu-system-x86_64  -name "f16" -M pc_q35 -m 1G -smp 4
> -hda ./f16.img --enable-kvm  -bios <path>/q35-seabios/out/bios.bin
> -acpitable file=<path>/q35-seabios/out/q35-acpi-dsdt.aml  -monitor stdio

I suppose you mean something that actually does -cdrom?

> The error I run into is:
> "A required cd/dvd device driver is missing. If you have a
> driver floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive, please insert it now.
> "

Well, that only tells us that it couldn't find its own CD drive. The question 
is why. Some ATA logs would be nice here :).


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