On 06/27/2012 04:34 AM, Orit Wasserman wrote:
> Signed-off-by: Benoit Hudzia <benoit.hud...@sap.com>
> Signed-off-by: Petter Svard <pett...@cs.umu.se>
> Signed-off-by: Aidan Shribman <aidan.shrib...@sap.com>
> Signed-off-by: Orit Wasserman <owass...@redhat.com>

> +int xbzrle_encode_buffer(uint8_t *old_buf, uint8_t *new_buf, int slen,
> +                         uint8_t *dst, int dlen)
> +{
> +    uint32_t zrun_len = 0, nzrun_len = 0;
> +    int d = 0 , i = 0;

s/0 ,/0,/

> +    int res, xor;

Bug.  You are declaring xor as an int, but assigning it by operations on
a long, and making conditional jumps based on the assignment.  If
sizeof(long) > sizeof(int), you will have truncation cause false positives.

> +    uint8_t *nzrun_start = NULL;

The algorithm will misbehave (run quite slow or even cause SIGBUS,
depending on the host architecture) if old_buf and new_buf have
different mis-alignments or if slen is not an even multiple, so
guaranteeing alignment up front saves us the effort of dealing with
corner cases.  You need to add something like this:

g_assert(!((uintptr_t)old_buf & (sizeof(long) - 1)) &&
         !((uintptr_t)new_buf & (sizeof(long) - 1)) &&
         !(slen & (sizeof(long) - 1)));

After all, we are only ever using this function to compress page data,
and pages should be aligned on entry as well as being a nice multiple in

> +
> +    while (i < slen) {
> +        /* overflow */
> +        if (d + 2 > dlen) {
> +            return -1;
> +        }
> +
> +        /* not aligned to sizeof(long) */
> +        res = (slen - i) % sizeof(long);
> +        if (res) {
> +            while (!(old_buf[i] ^ new_buf[i]) && ++i <= res) {

Using '^' implies that you care about the difference, but in reality,
you only compare about whether there is a difference, not what the
difference is.  I would use '==' instead of '^' since some architectures
can compute (in)equality more efficiently than xor.

while (old_buf[i] == new_buf[i] && ++i <= res) {

> +                zrun_len++;
> +            }
> +        }
> +
> +        xor = (*(long *)(old_buf + i)) ^ (*(long *)(new_buf + i));
> +        while (i <= slen - sizeof(long) && !xor) {
> +            i += sizeof(long);
> +            zrun_len += sizeof(long);
> +            xor = (*(long *)(old_buf + i)) ^ (*(long *)(new_buf + i));
> +        }

Again, you aren't using xor for its value, so you can simplify this
entire loop:

while (i < slen && *(long *)(old_buf + i) == *(long*)(new_buf + i)) {
    i += sizeof(long);
    zrun_len += sizeof(long);

> +
> +        /* not aligned to sizeof(long) */
> +        res = (slen - i) % sizeof(long);
> +        if (res) {
> +            while (!(old_buf[i] ^ new_buf[i]) && ++i <= res) {
> +                zrun_len++;
> +            }
> +        }

Can have same simplification as above.

> +
> +        /* buffer unchanged */
> +        if (zrun_len == slen) {
> +            return 0;
> +        }
> +
> +        /* skip last zero run */
> +        if (i == slen + 1) {
> +            return d;
> +        }
> +
> +        d += uleb128_encode_small(dst + d, zrun_len);
> +
> +        zrun_len = 0;
> +        nzrun_start = new_buf + i;
> +
> +        /* not aligned to sizeof(long) */
> +        res = (slen - i) % sizeof(long);
> +        if (res) {
> +            while ((old_buf[i] ^ new_buf[i]) != 0 && ++i <= res) {
> +                nzrun_len++;
> +            }
> +        }

Can have same simplification as above, except using != instead of == for
checking for bytes that differ.

> +
> +        xor = (*(long *)(old_buf + i)) ^ (*(long *)(new_buf + i));
> +        while (i <= slen - sizeof(long) && xor != 0) {
> +            i += sizeof(long);
> +            nzrun_len += sizeof(long);
> +            xor = (*(long *)(old_buf + i)) ^ (*(long *)(new_buf + i));
> +        }

Unlike the zrun (where checking that two longs are equal means you can
increment by sizeof(long)), checking for the end of an nzrun requires
finding a 0 byte embedded within the xor of the two longs.  And that is
no longer something trivially easy to write.  Source code of strcmp() to
the rescue:

long mask = 0x0101010101010101ULL; /* truncation to 32-bit long okay */
xor = *(long *)(old_buf + i) ^ *(long *)(new_buf + i);
if ((xor - mask) & ~xor & (mask << 7)) {
    /* found the end of an nzrun within the current long */
} else {
    i += sizeof(long);
    nzrun_len += sizeof(long);

and wrap that in the appropriate while loop.

> +
> +        /* not aligned to sizeof(long) */
> +        res = (slen - i) % sizeof(long);
> +        if (res) {
> +            while ((old_buf[i] ^ new_buf[i]) != 0 && ++i <= res) {
> +                nzrun_len++;
> +            }
> +        }
> +
> +        /* overflow */
> +        if (d + nzrun_len + 2 > dlen) {
> +            return -1;
> +        }
> +
> +        d += uleb128_encode_small(dst + d, nzrun_len);
> +        memcpy(dst + d, nzrun_start, nzrun_len);
> +        d += nzrun_len;
> +        nzrun_len = 0;
> +    }
> +
> +    return d;
> +}

Definitely some work before the encode is correct.  I know you tested
migration speed, but did you test migration accuracy?  I'm afraid that
you ended up benchmarking with memory corruption rather than actual

> +
> +int xbzrle_decode_buffer(uint8_t *src, int slen, uint8_t *dst, int dlen)

No comment before the function?

> +{
> +    int i = 0, d = 0;
> +    int ret;
> +    uint32_t count = 0;
> +
> +    while (i < slen) {
> +
> +        /* zrun */
> +        ret = uleb128_decode_small(src + i, &count);

If the user sends you malicious data, then they can arrange for the last
byte in the buffer to have bit 0x80 set, and uleb128_decode_small will
happily read not only the last byte of the buffer, but the next byte
beyond; this could even SIGSEGV if the buffer ended on a page boundary.
 Thankfully, it's trivial to prevent this from being a problem in
practice: our encoding requires us to end on an nzrun with non-zero
length, and therefore you are guaranteed that when decoding a zrun,
there will always be at least two more bytes in a valid stream, so you
should add this prior to the decode:

/* invalid input, since there must be room for an nzrun */
if (i == slen - 1) {
    return -1;

> +        if (ret < 0) {
> +            return -1;
> +        }
> +        i += ret;
> +        d += count;
> +
> +        /* overflow */
> +        if (d > dlen) {
> +            return -1;
> +        }
> +
> +        /* completed decoding */
> +        if (i == slen - 1) {
> +            return d;
> +        }

It looks like you thought about the idea of bad input, but you didn't
get the check quite right - you don't want to return success here.  This
is another place where a valid stream has at least two bytes (the
smallest possible nzrun is exactly two bytes, 1 for the length, and 1
byte of data).  I would replace this with:

/* invalid input, since an nzrun must have data */
if (i >= slen - 1) {
    return -1;

> +
> +        /* nzrun */
> +        ret = uleb128_decode_small(src + i, &count);
> +        if (ret < 0) {
> +            return -1;
> +        }
> +        i += ret;
> +
> +        /* overflow */
> +        if (d + count > dlen) {
> +            return -1;
> +        }

Missing one more overflow check - a malicious input could cause us to
try to read beyond slen.  You need:

if (i + count > slen) {
    return -1;

> +
> +        memcpy(dst + d , src + i, count);
> +        d += count;
> +        i += count;
> +    }
> +
> +    return d;
> +}

Eric Blake   ebl...@redhat.com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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