On 06/19/2012 09:43 AM, Orit Wasserman wrote:
> Signed-off-by: Orit Wasserman <owass...@redhat.com>
> ---
>  docs/xbzrle.txt |  115 
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100644 docs/xbzrle.txt

> +Format
> +=======
> +
> +The compression format preforms a XOR between the previous and current 
> content
> +of the page, where zero represents an unchanged value.
> +The page data delta is represented by zero and non zero runs.
> +A zero run is represented by it's length (in bytes).

s/it's/its/ (it's always means "it is"; the possessive form has no

> +A non zero run is represented by it's length (in bytes) and the data.


> +cache-miss: the number of cache misses to date - high cache-miss rate
> +indicates that the cache size is set too low.
> +overflow: the number of overflows in the decoding which where the delta could
> +not be compressed. This can happen if the changes in the pages are too large
> +or there are many short changes for example change every second byte (half a

s/changes for example change/changes; for example, changing/

Eric Blake   ebl...@redhat.com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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