On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 9:02 PM, Paul Moore <pmo...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Friday, June 15, 2012 07:06:10 PM Blue Swirl wrote:
>> I think allowing execve() would render seccomp pretty much useless.
> Not necessarily.
> I'll agree that it does seem a bit odd to allow execve(), but there is still
> value in enabling seccomp to disable potentially buggy/exploitable syscalls.
> Let's not forget that we have over 300 syscalls on x86_64, not including the
> 32 bit versions, and even if we add all of the new syscalls suggested in this
> thread we are still talking about a small subset of syscalls.  As far as
> security goes, the old adage of "less is more" applies.

The helper program being executed could need any of the 300 system
calls, so we'd have to allow all.

> Protecting against the abuse and misuse of execve() is something that is
> better done with the host's access controls (traditional DAC, MAC via the LSM,
> etc.).

How about seccomp mode selected by command line switch -seccomp, in
which bind/connect/open/execve are forbidden? The functionality
remaining would be somewhat limited (can't migrate or use SMB etc.
until refactoring of QEMU), but that way seccomp jail would be much

> --
> paul moore
> security and virtualization @ redhat

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