
I did pick up these patches a while back and did run some migration tests while
running simple workloads in the guest. Below are some results.


Config Details:

Guest 10vcps, 60GB (running on a host that is 6cores(12threads) and 64GB).
The hosts are identical X86_64 Blade servers&  are connected via a private
10G link (for migration traffic)

Guest was started using qemu (no virsh/virt-manager etc).
Migration was initiated at the qemu monitor prompt
and the migration_set_speed was used to set to 10G. No changes
to the downtime.

- Guest&  the Host OS : 3.4.0-rc7+
- Vanilla : basic upstream qemu.git
- huge_memory changes(Juan's qemu.git tree)

[ Note : BTW, 'did also try vers:11 of XBZRLE patches...but ran into issues 
(guest crashed
after migration) 'have reported it to the author]

Here are the simple "workloads" and results:

1) Idling guest
2) AIM7-compute (with 2000 users).
3) 10way parallel make (of the kernel)
4) 2 instances of memory r/w loop (exactly the same as in docs/xbzrle.txt)
5) SPECJbb2005

Note: In the Vanilla case I had instrumented ram_save_live()
to print out the total migration time and the MB's transferred.

1) Idling guest:

Vanilla :
Total Mig. time: 173016 ms
Total MB's transferred : 1606MB

Total Mig. time:  48821 ms
Total MB's transferred : 1620 MB

2) AIM7-compute  (2000 users)

Vanilla :
Total Mig. time: 241124 ms
Total MB's transferred : 4827MB

Total Mig. time: 66716 ms
Total MB's transferred : 4022MB

3) 10 way parallel make: (of the linux kernel)

Vanilla :
Total Mig. time: 104319 ms
Total MB's transferred : 2316MB

Total Mig. time: 55105 ms
Total MB's transferred : 2995MB

4) 2 instances of Memory r/w loop: (refer to docs/xbzrle.txt)

Vanilla :
Total Mig. time: 112102 ms
Total MB's transferred : 1739MB

Total Mig. time: 85504ms
Total MB's transferred : 1745MB

5) SPECJbb :

Vanilla :
Total Mig. time: 162189 ms
Total MB's transferred : 5461MB

Total Mig. time: 67787 ms
Total MB's transferred : 8528MB

[Expected] Observation :

Unlike with the Vanilla case(&  also the XBZRLE case), with these patches I was 
still able
to interact with the qemu monitor prompt and also interact with the guest 
during the migration (i.e. during the iterative pre-copy phase).


On 5/22/2012 11:32 AM, Juan Quintela wrote:

After a long, long time, this is v2.

This are basically the changes that we have for RHEL, due to the
problems that we have with big memory machines.  I just rebased the
patches and fixed the easy parts:

- buffered_file_limit is gone: we just use 50ms and call it a day

- I let ram_addr_t as a valid type for a counter (no, I still don't
   agree with Anthony on this, but it is not important).

- Print total time of migration always.  Notice that I also print it
   when migration is completed.  Luiz, could you take a look to see if
   I did something worng (probably).

- Moved debug printfs to tracepointns.  Thanks a lot to Stefan for
   helping with it.  Once here, I had to put the traces in the middle
   of trace-events file, if I put them on the end of the file, when I
   enable them, I got generated the previous two tracepoints, instead
   of the ones I just defined.  Stefan is looking on that.  Workaround
   is defining them anywhere else.

- exit from cpu_physical_memory_reset_dirty().  Anthony wanted that I
   created an empty stub for kvm, and maintain the code for tcg.  The
   problem is that we can have both kvm and tcg running from the same
   binary.  Intead of exiting in the middle of the function, I just
   refactored the code out.  Is there an struct where I could add a new
   function pointer for this behaviour?

- exit if we have been too long on ram_save_live() loop.  Anthony
   didn't like this, I will sent a version based on the migration
   thread in the following days.  But just need something working for
   other people to test.

   Notice that I still got "lots" of more than 50ms printf's. (Yes,
   there is a debugging printf there).

- Bitmap handling.  Still all code to count dirty pages, will try to
   get something saner based on bitmap optimizations.


Later, Juan.


Executive Summary

This series of patches fix migration with lots of memory.  With them stalls
are removed, and we honored max_dowtime.
I also add infrastructure to measure what is happening during migration

Migration is broken at the momment in qemu tree, Michael patch is needed to
fix virtio migration.  Measurements are given for qemu-kvm tree.  At the end, 
some measurements
with qemu tree.

Long Version with measurements (for those that like numbers O:-)

8 vCPUS and 64GB RAM, a RHEL5 guest that is completelly idle


    savevm: save live iterate section id 3 name ram took 3266 milliseconds 46 

We have 46 stalls, and missed the 100ms deadline 46 times.
stalls took around 3.5 and 3.6 seconds each.

    savevm: save devices took 1 milliseconds

if you had any doubt (rest of devices, not RAM) took less than 1ms, so
we don't care for now to optimize them.

    migration: ended after 207411 milliseconds

total migration took 207 seconds for this guest

samples  %        image name               symbol name
2161431  72.8297  qemu-system-x86_64       cpu_physical_memory_reset_dirty
379416   12.7845  qemu-system-x86_64       ram_save_live
367880   12.3958  qemu-system-x86_64       ram_save_block
16647     0.5609  qemu-system-x86_64       qemu_put_byte
10416     0.3510  qemu-system-x86_64       kvm_client_sync_dirty_bitmap
9013      0.3037  qemu-system-x86_64       qemu_put_be32

Clearly, we are spending too much time on cpu_physical_memory_reset_dirty.

ping results during the migration.

rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 474.395/39772.087/151843.178/55413.633 ms, pipe 152

You can see that the mean and maximun values are quite big.

We got in the guests the dreade: CPU softlookup for 10s

No need to iterate if we already are over the limit

    Numbers similar to previous ones.

KVM don't care about TLB handling

    savevm: save livne iterate section id 3 name ram took 466 milliseconds 56 

56 stalls, but much smaller, betweenn 0.5 and 1.4 seconds

     migration: ended after 115949 milliseconds

total time has improved a lot. 115 seconds.

samples  %        image name               symbol name
431530   52.1152  qemu-system-x86_64       ram_save_live
355568   42.9414  qemu-system-x86_64       ram_save_block
14446     1.7446  qemu-system-x86_64       qemu_put_byte
11856     1.4318  qemu-system-x86_64       kvm_client_sync_dirty_bitmap
3281      0.3962  qemu-system-x86_64       qemu_put_be32
2426      0.2930  qemu-system-x86_64       cpu_physical_memory_reset_dirty
2180      0.2633  qemu-system-x86_64       qemu_put_be64

notice how cpu_physical_memory_dirty() use much less time.

rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 474.438/1529.387/15578.055/2595.186 ms, pipe 16

ping values from outside to the guest have improved a bit, but still

Exit loop if we have been there too long

not a single stall bigger than 100ms

    migration: ended after 157511 milliseconds

not as good time as previous one, but we have removed the stalls.

samples  %        image name               symbol name
1104546  71.8260  qemu-system-x86_64       ram_save_live
370472   24.0909  qemu-system-x86_64       ram_save_block
30419     1.9781  qemu-system-x86_64       kvm_client_sync_dirty_bitmap
16252     1.0568  qemu-system-x86_64       qemu_put_byte
3400      0.2211  qemu-system-x86_64       qemu_put_be32
2657      0.1728  qemu-system-x86_64       cpu_physical_memory_reset_dirty
2206      0.1435  qemu-system-x86_64       qemu_put_be64
1559      0.1014  qemu-system-x86_64       qemu_file_rate_limit

You can see that ping times are improving
   rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 474.422/504.416/628.508/35.366 ms

now the maximun is near the minimum, in reasonable values.

The limit in the loop in stage loop has been put into 50ms because
buffered_file run a timer each 100ms.  If we miss that timer, we ended
having trouble.  So, I put 100/2.

I tried other values: 15ms (max_downtime/2, so it could be set by the
user), but gave too much total time (~400seconds).

I tried bigger values, 75ms and 100ms, but with any of them we got
stalls, some times as big as 1s, as we loss some timer run, and then
calculations are wrong.

With this patch, the softlookups are gone.

Change calculation to exit live migration

we spent too much time on ram_save_live(), the problem is the
calculation of number of dirty pages (ram_save_remaining()).  Instead
of walking the bitmap each time that we need the value, we just
maintain the number of dirty pages each time that we change one value
in the bitmap.

    migration: ended after 151187 milliseconds

same total time.

samples  %        image name               symbol name
365104   84.1659  qemu-system-x86_64       ram_save_block
32048     7.3879  qemu-system-x86_64       kvm_client_sync_dirty_bitmap
16033     3.6960  qemu-system-x86_64       qemu_put_byte
3383      0.7799  qemu-system-x86_64       qemu_put_be32
3028      0.6980  qemu-system-x86_64       cpu_physical_memory_reset_dirty
2174      0.5012  qemu-system-x86_64       qemu_put_be64
1953      0.4502  qemu-system-x86_64       ram_save_live
1408      0.3246  qemu-system-x86_64       qemu_file_rate_limit

time is spent in ram_save_block() as expected.

rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 474.412/492.713/539.419/21.896 ms

std deviation is still better than without this.

and now, with load on the guest!!!

will show only without my patches applied, and at the end (as with
load it takes more time to run the tests).

load is synthetic:

  stress -c 2 -m 4 --vm-bytes 256M

(2 cpu threads and two memory threads dirtying each 256MB RAM)

Notice that we are dirtying too much memory to be able to migrate with
the default downtime of 30ms.  What the migration should do is loop over
but without having stalls.  To get the migration ending, I just kill the
stress process after several iterations through all memory.


same stalls that without load (stalls are caused when it finds lots of
contiguous zero pages).

samples  %        image name               symbol name
2328320  52.9645  qemu-system-x86_64       cpu_physical_memory_reset_dirty
1504561  34.2257  qemu-system-x86_64       ram_save_live
382838    8.7088  qemu-system-x86_64       ram_save_block
52050     1.1840  qemu-system-x86_64       cpu_get_physical_page_desc
48975     1.1141  qemu-system-x86_64       kvm_client_sync_dirty_bitmap

rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 474.428/21033.451/134818.933/38245.396 ms, pipe 135

You can see that values/results are similar to what we had.

with all patches

no stalls, I stopped it after 438 seconds

samples  %        image name               symbol name
387722   56.4676  qemu-system-x86_64       ram_save_block
109500   15.9475  qemu-system-x86_64       kvm_client_sync_dirty_bitmap
92328    13.4466  qemu-system-x86_64       cpu_get_physical_page_desc
43573     6.3459  qemu-system-x86_64       phys_page_find_alloc
18255     2.6586  qemu-system-x86_64       qemu_put_byte
3940      0.5738  qemu-system-x86_64       qemu_put_be32
3621      0.5274  qemu-system-x86_64       cpu_physical_memory_reset_dirty
2591      0.3774  qemu-system-x86_64       ram_save_live

and ping gives similar values to unload one.

rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 474.400/486.094/548.479/15.820 ms


- I tested a version of this patches/algorithms with 400GB guests with
   an old qemu-kvm version (0.9.1, the one in RHEL5.  with so many
   memory the handling of the dirty bitmap is the thing that end
   causing stalls, will try to retest when I got access to the machines

QEMU tree

original qemu

    savevm: save live iterate section id 2 name ram took 296 milliseconds 47 

stalls similar to qemu-kvm.

   migration: ended after 205938 milliseconds

similar total time.

samples  %        image name               symbol name
2158149  72.3752  qemu-system-x86_64       cpu_physical_memory_reset_dirty
382016   12.8112  qemu-system-x86_64       ram_save_live
367000   12.3076  qemu-system-x86_64       ram_save_block
18012     0.6040  qemu-system-x86_64       qemu_put_byte
10496     0.3520  qemu-system-x86_64       kvm_client_sync_dirty_bitmap
7366      0.2470  qemu-system-x86_64       qemu_get_ram_ptr

very bad ping times
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 474.424/54575.554/159139.429/54473.043 ms, pipe 160

with all patches applied (no load)

    savevm: save live iterate section id 2 name ram took 109 milliseconds 1 

only one mini-stall, it is during stage 3 of savevm.

    migration: ended after 149529 milliseconds

similar time (a bit faster indeed)

samples  %        image name               symbol name
366803   73.9172  qemu-system-x86_64       ram_save_block
31717     6.3915  qemu-system-x86_64       kvm_client_sync_dirty_bitmap
16489     3.3228  qemu-system-x86_64       qemu_put_byte
5512      1.1108  qemu-system-x86_64       main_loop_wait
4886      0.9846  qemu-system-x86_64       cpu_exec_all
3418      0.6888  qemu-system-x86_64       qemu_put_be32
3397      0.6846  qemu-system-x86_64       kvm_vcpu_ioctl
3334      0.6719  [vdso] (tgid:18656 range:0x7ffff7ffe000-0x7ffff7fff000) 
[vdso] (tgid:18656 range:0x7ffff7ffe000-0x7ffff7fff000)
2913      0.5870  qemu-system-x86_64       cpu_physical_memory_reset_dirty

std deviation is a bit worse than qemu-kvm, but nothing to write home
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 475.406/485.577/909.463/40.292 ms

Juan Quintela (7):
   Add spent time for migration
   Add tracepoints for savevm section start/end
   No need to iterate if we already are over the limit
   Only TCG needs TLB handling
   Only calculate expected_time for stage 2
   Exit loop if we have been there too long
   Maintaing number of dirty pages

  arch_init.c      |   40 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
  cpu-all.h        |    1 +
  exec-obsolete.h  |    8 ++++++++
  exec.c           |   33 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------
  hmp.c            |    2 ++
  migration.c      |   11 +++++++++++
  migration.h      |    1 +
  qapi-schema.json |   12 +++++++++---
  savevm.c         |   11 +++++++++++
  trace-events     |    6 ++++++
  10 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

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