On Thursday 26 July 2007 18:34:36 Paul Borman wrote: > Paravirtualization - I have written a "device driver" for QEmu that > allows the guest system to essentially make function calls right into > the host (dealing with data representation, etc). A prime example > for use of this is OpenGL. OpenGL is pretty much done in hardware > these days, and most embedded devices do not use X11 as a graphics > system. By providing an OpenGL library on the target OS that > basically calls straight into the hosts OpenGL library it should be > possible to greatly increase the performance of the target without > having to try and export the real graphics hardware into QEmu. Along > with this I have done the necessary work to allow QEmu to use dlopen > () to load in arbitrary shim layers to libraries.
As far as OpenGL is concerned, I don't know if you have already looked at it, but you may be interested by my OpenGL patch. Even if it uses a specific guest <--> host communication hack, this may save you the quite tidious process of serializing/deserializing OpenGL calls between guest and host. For more details, see : http://qemu-forum.ipi.fi/viewtopic.php?t=2984