allocate more ram to your qemu guest

it's the "-m" switch. Default is 128M, way too low
for KDE.

Try first 192, 256, and then 512 if you can afford it.

On 7/24/07, Clemens Kolbitsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i've got a questions... just out of curiosity: when emulating windows xp, i
get quite good speeds. however, when running linux, i can only work with it
when turning off kde... it is WAY too slow.

is there a known reason for that / does anyone know what i could be doing

i'm emulating i386 (what else when using windows *g*) on a i386 using kqemu,
newest version of qemu...

just in case someone knows :-)


--, a linux distribution for Qemu

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