On 14/02/25 02:40PM, Jonathan Cameron wrote:
On Thu, 13 Feb 2025 14:45:58 +0530
Vinayak Holikatti <vinayak...@samsung.com> wrote:

CXL spec 3.1 section describes media operations commands.
As in previous - please update to the r3.2 spec.

ok will update as per 3.2
A few comments inline.



Thank you for feedback will address them in V3 patch

CXL devices supports media operations Sanitize and Write zero command.

Signed-off-by: Vinayak Holikatti <vinayak...@samsung.com>
 hw/cxl/cxl-mailbox-utils.c  | 217 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 include/hw/cxl/cxl_device.h |   4 +
 2 files changed, 216 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hw/cxl/cxl-mailbox-utils.c b/hw/cxl/cxl-mailbox-utils.c
index d58c20842f..2d8d1171b4 100644
--- a/hw/cxl/cxl-mailbox-utils.c
+++ b/hw/cxl/cxl-mailbox-utils.c
@@ -1732,6 +1732,130 @@ static CXLRetCode cmd_sanitize_overwrite(const struct 
cxl_cmd *cmd,

+struct CXLSanitizeInfo {
+    uint32_t dpa_range_count;
+    uint8_t fill_value;
+    struct {
+            uint64_t starting_dpa;
+            uint64_t length;
+    } dpa_range_list[];
+struct dpa_range_list_entry {
+    uint64_t starting_dpa;
+    uint64_t length;

Declare it above and use in CXLSanitizeInfo

+static uint64_t get_vmr_size(CXLType3Dev *ct3d, MemoryRegion **vmr)
+    uint64_t vmr_size = 0;
+    if (ct3d->hostvmem) {
+        *vmr = host_memory_backend_get_memory(ct3d->hostvmem);
+        vmr_size = memory_region_size(*vmr);
+    }
+    return vmr_size;

I would write as

static uint64_t get_pmr_size(CXLTYpe3Dev *ct3d, MemoryRegion **pmr)
   MemoryRegion *mr;
   if (ct3d->hostpmem) {
       mr = host_memory_region_backend_get_memory(ct3d->hostpmem);
       if (pmr) {
           *pmr = mr;
        return memory_region_size(mr);
   return 0;

Making the pmr argument optional for when you don't need it.

+static uint64_t get_pmr_size(CXLType3Dev *ct3d, MemoryRegion **pmr)
+    uint64_t pmr_size = 0;
+    if (ct3d->hostpmem) {
+        *pmr = host_memory_backend_get_memory(ct3d->hostpmem);
+        pmr_size = memory_region_size(*pmr);
+    }
+    return pmr_size;
+static uint64_t get_dc_size(CXLType3Dev *ct3d, MemoryRegion **dc_mr)
+    uint64_t dc_size = 0;
+    if (ct3d->dc.host_dc) {
+        *dc_mr = host_memory_backend_get_memory(ct3d->dc.host_dc);
+        dc_size = memory_region_size(*dc_mr);
+    }
+    return dc_size;
+static int validate_dpa_addr(CXLType3Dev *ct3d, uint64_t dpa_addr,
+                             size_t length)
+    MemoryRegion *vmr = NULL, *pmr = NULL, *dc_mr = NULL;
+    uint64_t vmr_size = 0, pmr_size = 0, dc_size = 0;

overwritten in all paths were we use them. So don't assign initial values.

+    if ((dpa_addr % CXL_CACHELINE_SIZE) ||
+         (length % CXL_CACHELINE_SIZE)  ||
+         (length <= 0)) {
Align as
   if ((dpa_addr % CXL_CACHELINE_SIZE) ||
       (length % CXL_CACHELINE_SIZE) ||
       (length <= 0)) {

+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    vmr_size = get_vmr_size(ct3d, &vmr);
+    pmr_size = get_pmr_size(ct3d, &pmr);
+    dc_size = get_dc_size(ct3d, &dc_mr);
+    if (!vmr && !pmr && !dc_mr) {

That's a bit late given you used them to get the sizes.
Do this before filling sizes.

+        return -ENODEV;
+    }
+    if ((dpa_addr + length) > vmr_size + pmr_size + dc_size) {
Skip inner brackets.

+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    if (dpa_addr > vmr_size + pmr_size) {
+        if (!ct3_test_region_block_backed(ct3d, dpa_addr, length)) {
+            return -ENODEV;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int sanitize_range(CXLType3Dev *ct3d, uint64_t dpa_addr, size_t length,
+                          uint8_t fill_value)
+    MemoryRegion *vmr = NULL, *pmr = NULL;
+    uint64_t vmr_size = 0, pmr_size = 0;
+    AddressSpace *as = NULL;
+    MemTxAttrs mem_attrs = {0};
+    vmr_size = get_vmr_size(ct3d, &vmr);
+    pmr_size = get_pmr_size(ct3d, &pmr);
+    if (dpa_addr < vmr_size) {
+        as = &ct3d->hostvmem_as;
+    } else if (dpa_addr < vmr_size + pmr_size) {
+        as = &ct3d->hostpmem_as;
+    } else {
+        if (!ct3_test_region_block_backed(ct3d, dpa_addr, length)) {
+            return -ENODEV;
+        }
+        as = &ct3d->dc.host_dc_as;
+    }
+    return address_space_set(as, dpa_addr,
+                              fill_value, length, mem_attrs);

Odd wrap.  Put as much as fits on line under 80 chars on first line
then align next line to just after (

+/* Perform the actual device zeroing */
+static void __do_sanitize(CXLType3Dev *ct3d)
+    struct CXLSanitizeInfo  *san_info = ct3d->media_op_sanitize;
+    int dpa_range_count = san_info->dpa_range_count;
+    int rc = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < dpa_range_count; i++) {

Declare i outside loop (match local style).

+        rc = sanitize_range(ct3d, san_info->dpa_range_list[i].starting_dpa,
+                san_info->dpa_range_list[i].length, san_info->fill_value);

Either align 4 spaces after start of line above, or immediately after (

+        if (rc) {
+            goto exit;
+        }
+    }
+    g_free(ct3d->media_op_sanitize);
+    ct3d->media_op_sanitize = NULL;
+    return;
 enum {
         #define MEDIA_OP_GEN_SUBC_DISCOVERY 0x0
@@ -1760,9 +1884,9 @@ static const struct media_op_supported_list_entry 
media_op_matrix[] = {

 static CXLRetCode media_operations_discovery(uint8_t *payload_in,
-                                                size_t len_in,
-                                                uint8_t *payload_out,
-                                                size_t *len_out)
+                                             size_t len_in,
+                                             uint8_t *payload_out,
+                                             size_t *len_out)

Ah. Drag this to earlier patch.

     struct {
         uint8_t media_operation_class;
@@ -1811,6 +1935,66 @@ static CXLRetCode media_operations_discovery(uint8_t 
     return CXL_MBOX_SUCCESS;

+static CXLRetCode media_operations_sanitize(CXLType3Dev *ct3d,
+                                            uint8_t *payload_in,
+                                            size_t len_in,
+                                            uint8_t *payload_out,
+                                            size_t *len_out,
+                                            uint8_t fill_value,
+                                            CXLCCI *cci)
+    struct media_operations_sanitize {
+        uint8_t media_operation_class;
+        uint8_t media_operation_subclass;
+        uint8_t rsvd[2];
+        uint32_t dpa_range_count;
+        struct {
+            uint64_t starting_dpa;
+            uint64_t length;
+        } dpa_range_list[];
+    } QEMU_PACKED *media_op_in_sanitize_pl = (void *)payload_in;
+    uint32_t dpa_range_count = media_op_in_sanitize_pl->dpa_range_count;
+    uint64_t total_mem = 0;
+    int secs = 0;
+    if (len_in < (sizeof(*media_op_in_sanitize_pl) +
+           (dpa_range_count * sizeof(struct dpa_range_list_entry)))) {
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < dpa_range_count; i++) {

Declare outside of there (to match local style)

+        if (validate_dpa_addr(ct3d,
+            media_op_in_sanitize_pl->dpa_range_list[i].starting_dpa,

Hmm. This is tricky to read because of alignment.  I'd have local
start_dpa nad length variables.

   for (i = 0; i < dpa_range_count; i++) {
       uint64_t start_dpa = 
       uint64_t length = media_op_in_sanitize_pl->dpa_range_list[i].length;

        if (validate_dpa_addr(ct3d, dpa_start, length)) {

+            media_op_in_sanitize_pl->dpa_range_list[i].length)) {
+            return CXL_MBOX_INVALID_INPUT;
+        }
+        total_mem += media_op_in_sanitize_pl->dpa_range_list[i].length;
+    }
+    ct3d->media_op_sanitize = g_malloc0(sizeof(struct CXLSanitizeInfo) +
+                                  (dpa_range_count *
+                                  sizeof(struct dpa_range_list_entry)));
+    if (ct3d->media_op_sanitize) {
+        ct3d->media_op_sanitize->dpa_range_count = dpa_range_count;
+        ct3d->media_op_sanitize->fill_value = fill_value;
+        memcpy(ct3d->media_op_sanitize->dpa_range_list,
+                  media_op_in_sanitize_pl->dpa_range_list,
+                  (dpa_range_count *
+                  sizeof(struct dpa_range_list_entry)));
+        secs = get_sanitize_duration(total_mem >> 20);
+    }
+    /* EBUSY other bg cmds as of now */
+    cci->bg.runtime = secs * 1000UL;
+    *len_out = 0;
+    /*
+     * media op sanitize is targeted so no need to disable media or
+     * clear event logs
+     */
+    return CXL_MBOX_BG_STARTED;

No blank line here.

 static CXLRetCode cmd_media_operations(const struct cxl_cmd *cmd,
                                          uint8_t *payload_in,
                                          size_t len_in,
@@ -1825,6 +2009,9 @@ static CXLRetCode cmd_media_operations(const struct 
cxl_cmd *cmd,
         uint32_t dpa_range_count;
     } QEMU_PACKED *media_op_in_common_pl = (void *)payload_in;

+    CXLType3Dev *ct3d = CXL_TYPE3(cci->d);
+    uint8_t fill_value = 0;

Maybe just put this value in directly into where it is used?

     if (len_in < sizeof(*media_op_in_common_pl)) {
@@ -1851,15 +2038,29 @@ static CXLRetCode cmd_media_operations(const struct 
cxl_cmd *cmd,
         return media_operations_discovery(payload_in, len_in, payload_out,
+        if (dpa_range_count == 0) {
+            return CXL_MBOX_SUCCESS;
+        }
         switch (media_op_subclass) {
+            fill_value = 0xF;
+            return media_operations_sanitize(ct3d, payload_in, len_in,
+                                             payload_out, len_out, fill_value,
+                                             cci);
+            break;

Can reach this break so remove it.

+        case MEDIA_OP_SAN_SUBC_ZERO:
+            fill_value = 0;
+            return media_operations_sanitize(ct3d, payload_in, len_in,
+                                             payload_out, len_out, fill_value,
+                                             cci);
+            break;

Can't reach this break either.

             return CXL_MBOX_UNSUPPORTED;
+        break;
         return CXL_MBOX_UNSUPPORTED;
-    return CXL_MBOX_SUCCESS;

This removal belongs in patch 1


diff --git a/include/hw/cxl/cxl_device.h b/include/hw/cxl/cxl_device.h
index a64739be25..b391a293a8 100644
--- a/include/hw/cxl/cxl_device.h
+++ b/include/hw/cxl/cxl_device.h
@@ -581,6 +581,8 @@ typedef struct CXLSetFeatureInfo {
     size_t data_size;
 } CXLSetFeatureInfo;

+struct CXLSanitizeInfo;
 struct CXLType3Dev {
     /* Private */
     PCIDevice parent_obj;
@@ -651,6 +653,8 @@ struct CXLType3Dev {
         uint8_t num_regions; /* 0-8 regions */
         CXLDCRegion regions[DCD_MAX_NUM_REGION];
     } dc;
+    struct CXLSanitizeInfo  *media_op_sanitize;

Only one place before *



 #define TYPE_CXL_TYPE3 "cxl-type3"

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