On Sat, Jan 25, 2025 at 1:32 PM Zhao Liu <zhao1....@intel.com> wrote:
fn read(&mut self, addr: hwaddr, _size: u32) -> u64 {
This can be &self.
let shift: u64 = (addr & 4) * 8;
+ match addr {
+ HPET_TN_CFG_REG => self.config >> shift, // including interrupt
This needs to be "match addr & !4".
+ HPET_TN_CMP_REG => self.cmp >> shift, // comparator register
+ HPET_TN_FSB_ROUTE_REG => self.fsb >> shift,
+ _ => {
+ // TODO: Add trace point - trace_hpet_ram_read_invalid()
+ // Reserved.
+ 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn write(&mut self, addr: hwaddr, value: u64, size: u32) {
+ let shift = ((addr & 4) * 8) as u32;
+ let len = std::cmp::min(size * 8, 64 - shift);
+ match addr {
+ HPET_TN_CFG_REG => self.set_tn_cfg_reg(shift, len, value),
+ fn write(&self, addr: hwaddr, value: u64, size: u32) {
+ let shift = ((addr & 4) * 8) as u32;
+ let len = std::cmp::min(size * 8, 64 - shift);
+ // TODO: Add trace point - trace_hpet_ram_write(addr, value)
+ if (0x100..=0x3ff).contains(&addr
) {
+ match self.timer_and_addr(addr) {
+ None => return, // Reserved.
Clippy complains about an unnecessary return, just replace it with "()".
+ Some((timer, addr)) => timer.borrow_mut().write(addr, value,
+ }
+ fn reset_hold(&self, _type: ResetType) {
+ let sbd = self.upcast::<SysBusDevice>();
+ for timer in self.timers.iter().take(self.num_timers.get()) {
+ timer.borrow_mut().reset();
+ }
+ self.counter.set(0);
+ self.config.set(0);
+ self.pit_enabled.set(true);
+ self.hpet_offset.set(0);
+ HPETFwConfig::update_hpet_cfg(
+ self.hpet_id.get(),
+ Some(self.capability.get() as u32),
+ Some((*sbd).mmio[0].addr),
+ );
This can be simply sbd.mmio[0].addr, without the (*...).
Also, you can change update_hpet_cfg to take arguments without the
Option<> around them.
+pub struct HPETClass {
+ parent_class: <SysBusDevice as ObjectType>::Class,
+unsafe impl ObjectType for HPETState {
+ type Class = HPETClass;
+ const TYPE_NAME: &'static CStr = crate::TYPE_HPET;
No need for HPETClass (and for ClassInitImpl<HPETClass>), just do
unsafe impl ObjectType for HPETState {
type Class = <SysBusDevice as ObjectType>::Class;
const TYPE_NAME: &'static CStr = crate::TYPE_HPET;
which is indeed more similar to OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE().