On 1/28/25 06:21, Philippe Mathieu-Daudé wrote:
We are trying to understand what means "a qdev is realized".
One explanation was "the device is guest visible"; however
many devices are realized before being mapped, thus are not
"guest visible". Some devices map / wire their IRQs before
being realized (such ISA devices). There is a need for devices
to be "automatically" mapped/wired (see [2]) such CLI-created
devices, but this apply generically to dynamic machines.

Currently the device creation steps are expected to roughly be:

   (external use)                (QDev core)                   (Device Impl)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~                  ~~~~~~~~~                     ~~~~~~~~~~~

                                INIT enter
                          |    Allocate state    |
                                                         | INIT children       |
                                                         |                     |
                                                         | Alias children 
                                                         |                     |
                                                         | Expose properties   |
                                 INIT exit               +---------------------+
  | set properties |
  |                |
  | set ClkIn      |
  +----------------+          REALIZE enter
                                                        | Use config properties|
                                                        |                      |
                                                        | Realize children     |
                                                        |                      |
                                                        | Init GPIOs/IRQs      |
                                                        |                      |
                                                        | Init MemoryRegions   |
                                REALIZE exit
                    <-----------------------------------                        ----  
"realized" / "guest visible"
| Explicit wiring:|
|   IRQs          |
|   I/O / Mem     |
|   ClkOut        |
+-----------------+             RESET enter
                                                        | Reset default values |

But as mentioned, various devices "wire" parts before they exit
the "realize" step.
In order to clarify, I'm trying to enforce what can be done
*before* and *after* realization.

*after* a device is expected to be stable (no more configurable)
and fully usable.

To be able to use internal/auto wiring (such ISA devices) and
keep the current external/explicit wiring, I propose to add an
extra "internal wiring" step, happening after the REALIZE step

   (external use)                (QDev core)                   (Device Impl)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~                  ~~~~~~~~~                     ~~~~~~~~~~~

                                INIT enter
                          |    Allocate state    |
                                                         | INIT children       |
                                                         |                     |
                                                         | Alias children 
                                                         |                     |
                                                         | Expose properties   |
                                 INIT exit               +---------------------+
  | set properties |
  |                |
  | set ClkIn      |
  +----------------+          REALIZE enter
                                                        | Use config properties|
                                                        |                      |
                                                        | Realize children     |
                                                        |                      |
                                                        | Init GPIOs/IRQs      |
                                                        |                      |
                                                        | Init MemoryRegions   |
                                REALIZE exit       <---
                          | Internal auto wiring |
                          |   IRQs               |  (i.e. ISA bus)
                          |   I/O / Mem          |
                          |   ClkOut             |
                     <---                                                       ----  
| External wiring:|
|   IRQs          |
|   I/O / Mem     |
|   ClkOut        |
+-----------------+             RESET enter                                    ----  
"guest visible"
                                                        | Reset default values |

The "realized" point is not changed. "guest visible" concept only
occurs *after* wiring, just before the reset phase.

This change introduces the DeviceClass::wire handler within qdev
core realization code.

Signed-off-by: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <phi...@linaro.org>
  include/hw/qdev-core.h |  7 +++++++
  hw/core/qdev.c         | 20 +++++++++++++++++++-
  2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/include/hw/qdev-core.h b/include/hw/qdev-core.h
index 530f3da7021..021bb7afdc0 100644
--- a/include/hw/qdev-core.h
+++ b/include/hw/qdev-core.h
@@ -102,7 +102,12 @@ typedef int (*DeviceSyncConfig)(DeviceState *dev, Error 
   * @props: Properties accessing state fields.
   * @realize: Callback function invoked when the #DeviceState:realized
   * property is changed to %true.
+ * @wire: Callback function called after @realize to connect IRQs,
+ * clocks and map memories. Can not fail.
+ * @unwire: Callback function to undo @wire. Called before @unrealize.
+ * Can not fail.
   * @unrealize: Callback function invoked when the #DeviceState:realized
+ * property is changed to %false. Can not fail.
   * property is changed to %false.
   * @sync_config: Callback function invoked when QMP command device-sync-config
   * is called. Should synchronize device configuration from host to guest part
@@ -171,6 +176,8 @@ struct DeviceClass {
      DeviceReset legacy_reset;
      DeviceRealize realize;
+    void (*wire)(DeviceState *dev);
+    void (*unwire)(DeviceState *dev);
      DeviceUnrealize unrealize;
      DeviceSyncConfig sync_config;
diff --git a/hw/core/qdev.c b/hw/core/qdev.c
index 82bbdcb654e..38449255365 100644
--- a/hw/core/qdev.c
+++ b/hw/core/qdev.c
@@ -554,6 +554,15 @@ static void device_set_realized(Object *obj, bool value, 
Error **errp)
+ if (dc->wire) {
+            if (!dc->unwire) {
+                warn_report_once("wire() without unwire() for type '%s'",
+                                 object_get_typename(OBJECT(dev)));
+            }
+            dc->wire(dev);
+        }
+        /* At this point the device is "guest visible". */
         qatomic_store_release(&dev->realized, value);
} else if (!value && dev->realized) {
@@ -573,6 +582,15 @@ static void device_set_realized(Object *obj, bool value, 
Error **errp)
+ if (dc->unwire) {
+            if (!dc->wire) {
+                error_report("disconnect() without connect() for type '%s'",
+                             object_get_typename(OBJECT(dev)));
+                abort();
+            }
+            dc->unwire(dev);
+        }

Mismatched error messages (wire vs connect).
But, really, just check both directions properly at startup.
There's probably lots of places where devices are never unrealized.

Otherwise, this seems sane, having a kind of post_init on the realize path, running after all superclass realization is done.


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