On 1/9/2025 5:32 PM, Alexey Kardashevskiy wrote:
> On 9/1/25 16:34, Chenyi Qiang wrote:
>> On 1/8/2025 12:47 PM, Alexey Kardashevskiy wrote:
>>> On 13/12/24 18:08, Chenyi Qiang wrote:
>>>> Introduce the realize()/unrealize() callbacks to initialize/
>>>> uninitialize
>>>> the new guest_memfd_manager object and register/unregister it in the
>>>> target MemoryRegion.
>>>> Guest_memfd was initially set to shared until the commit bd3bcf6962
>>>> ("kvm/memory: Make memory type private by default if it has guest memfd
>>>> backend"). To align with this change, the default state in
>>>> guest_memfd_manager is set to private. (The bitmap is cleared to 0).
>>>> Additionally, setting the default to private can also reduce the
>>>> overhead of mapping shared pages into IOMMU by VFIO during the bootup
>>>> stage.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Chenyi Qiang <chenyi.qi...@intel.com>
>>>> ---
>>>>    include/sysemu/guest-memfd-manager.h | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>> ++++
>>>>    system/guest-memfd-manager.c         | 28 +++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>> ++++-
>>>>    system/physmem.c                     |  7 +++++++
>>>>    3 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>>> diff --git a/include/sysemu/guest-memfd-manager.h b/include/sysemu/
>>>> guest-memfd-manager.h
>>>> index 9dc4e0346d..d1e7f698e8 100644
>>>> --- a/include/sysemu/guest-memfd-manager.h
>>>> +++ b/include/sysemu/guest-memfd-manager.h
>>>> @@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ struct GuestMemfdManager {
>>>>    struct GuestMemfdManagerClass {
>>>>        ObjectClass parent_class;
>>>>    +    void (*realize)(GuestMemfdManager *gmm, MemoryRegion *mr,
>>>> uint64_t region_size);
>>>> +    void (*unrealize)(GuestMemfdManager *gmm);
>>>>        int (*state_change)(GuestMemfdManager *gmm, uint64_t offset,
>>>> uint64_t size,
>>>>                            bool shared_to_private);
>>>>    };
>>>> @@ -61,4 +63,29 @@ static inline int
>>>> guest_memfd_manager_state_change(GuestMemfdManager *gmm, uint6
>>>>        return 0;
>>>>    }
>>>>    +static inline void guest_memfd_manager_realize(GuestMemfdManager
>>>> *gmm,
>>>> +                                              MemoryRegion *mr,
>>>> uint64_t region_size)
>>>> +{
>>>> +    GuestMemfdManagerClass *klass;
>>>> +
>>>> +    g_assert(gmm);
>>>> +    klass = GUEST_MEMFD_MANAGER_GET_CLASS(gmm);
>>>> +
>>>> +    if (klass->realize) {
>>>> +        klass->realize(gmm, mr, region_size);
>>> Ditch realize() hook and call guest_memfd_manager_realizefn() directly?
>>> Not clear why these new hooks are needed.
>>>> +    }
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static inline void guest_memfd_manager_unrealize(GuestMemfdManager
>>>> *gmm)
>>>> +{
>>>> +    GuestMemfdManagerClass *klass;
>>>> +
>>>> +    g_assert(gmm);
>>>> +    klass = GUEST_MEMFD_MANAGER_GET_CLASS(gmm);
>>>> +
>>>> +    if (klass->unrealize) {
>>>> +        klass->unrealize(gmm);
>>>> +    }
>>>> +}
>>> guest_memfd_manager_unrealizefn()?
>> Agree. Adding these wrappers seem unnecessary.
>>>> +
>>>>    #endif
>>>> diff --git a/system/guest-memfd-manager.c b/system/guest-memfd-
>>>> manager.c
>>>> index 6601df5f3f..b6a32f0bfb 100644
>>>> --- a/system/guest-memfd-manager.c
>>>> +++ b/system/guest-memfd-manager.c
>>>> @@ -366,6 +366,31 @@ static int
>>>> guest_memfd_state_change(GuestMemfdManager *gmm, uint64_t offset,
>>>>        return ret;
>>>>    }
>>>>    +static void guest_memfd_manager_realizefn(GuestMemfdManager *gmm,
>>>> MemoryRegion *mr,
>>>> +                                          uint64_t region_size)
>>>> +{
>>>> +    uint64_t bitmap_size;
>>>> +
>>>> +    gmm->block_size = qemu_real_host_page_size();
>>>> +    bitmap_size = ROUND_UP(region_size, gmm->block_size) / gmm-
>>>>> block_size;
>>> imho unaligned region_size should be an assert.
>> There's no guarantee the region_size of the MemoryRegion is PAGE_SIZE
>> aligned. So the ROUND_UP() is more appropriate.
> It is all about DMA so the smallest you can map is PAGE_SIZE so even if
> you round up here, it is likely going to fail to DMA-map later anyway
> (or not?).

Checked the handling of VFIO, if the size is less than PAGE_SIZE, it
will just return and won't do DMA-map.

Here is a different thing. It tries to calculate the bitmap_size. The
bitmap is used to track the private/shared status of the page. So if the
size is less than PAGE_SIZE, we still use the one bit to track this
small-size range.

>>>> +
>>>> +    gmm->mr = mr;
>>>> +    gmm->bitmap_size = bitmap_size;
>>>> +    gmm->bitmap = bitmap_new(bitmap_size);
>>>> +
>>>> +    memory_region_set_ram_discard_manager(gmm->mr,
>>>> +}
>>> This belongs to 2/7.
>>>> +
>>>> +static void guest_memfd_manager_unrealizefn(GuestMemfdManager *gmm)
>>>> +{
>>>> +    memory_region_set_ram_discard_manager(gmm->mr, NULL);
>>>> +
>>>> +    g_free(gmm->bitmap);
>>>> +    gmm->bitmap = NULL;
>>>> +    gmm->bitmap_size = 0;
>>>> +    gmm->mr = NULL;
>>> @gmm is being destroyed here, why bother zeroing?
>> OK, will remove it.
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>> This function belongs to 2/7.
>> Will move both realizefn() and unrealizefn().
> Yes.
>>>>    static void guest_memfd_manager_init(Object *obj)
>>>>    {
>>>>        GuestMemfdManager *gmm = GUEST_MEMFD_MANAGER(obj);
>>>> @@ -375,7 +400,6 @@ static void guest_memfd_manager_init(Object *obj)
>>>>      static void guest_memfd_manager_finalize(Object *obj)
>>>>    {
>>>> -    g_free(GUEST_MEMFD_MANAGER(obj)->bitmap);
>>>>    }
>>>>      static void guest_memfd_manager_class_init(ObjectClass *oc, void
>>>> *data)
>>>> @@ -384,6 +408,8 @@ static void
>>>> guest_memfd_manager_class_init(ObjectClass *oc, void *data)
>>>>        RamDiscardManagerClass *rdmc = RAM_DISCARD_MANAGER_CLASS(oc);
>>>>          gmmc->state_change = guest_memfd_state_change;
>>>> +    gmmc->realize = guest_memfd_manager_realizefn;
>>>> +    gmmc->unrealize = guest_memfd_manager_unrealizefn;
>>>>          rdmc->get_min_granularity =
>>>> guest_memfd_rdm_get_min_granularity;
>>>>        rdmc->register_listener = guest_memfd_rdm_register_listener;
>>>> diff --git a/system/physmem.c b/system/physmem.c
>>>> index dc1db3a384..532182a6dd 100644
>>>> --- a/system/physmem.c
>>>> +++ b/system/physmem.c
>>>> @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
>>>>    #include "sysemu/hostmem.h"
>>>>    #include "sysemu/hw_accel.h"
>>>>    #include "sysemu/xen-mapcache.h"
>>>> +#include "sysemu/guest-memfd-manager.h"
>>>>    #include "trace.h"
>>>> @@ -1885,6 +1886,9 @@ static void ram_block_add(RAMBlock *new_block,
>>>> Error **errp)
>>>>                qemu_mutex_unlock_ramlist();
>>>>                goto out_free;
>>>>            }
>>>> +
>>>> +        GuestMemfdManager *gmm =
>>>> +        guest_memfd_manager_realize(gmm, new_block->mr, new_block-
>>>>> mr->size);
>>> Wow. Quite invasive.
>> Yeah... It creates a manager object no matter whether the user wants to
>> us    e shared passthru or not. We assume some fields like private/shared
>> bitmap may also be helpful in other scenario for future usage, and if no
>> passthru device, the listener would just return, so it is acceptable.
> Explain these other scenarios in the commit log please as otherwise
> making this an interface of HostMemoryBackendMemfd looks way cleaner.
> Thanks,

Thanks for the suggestion. Until now, I think making this an interface
of HostMemoryBackend is cleaner. The potential future usage for
non-HostMemoryBackend guest_memfd-backed memory region I can think of is
the the TEE I/O for iommufd P2P support? when it tries to initialize RAM
device memory region with the attribute of shared/private. But I think
it would be a long term story and we are not sure what it will be like
in future.

>>>>        }
>>>>          ram_size = (new_block->offset + new_block->max_length) >>
>>>> @@ -2139,6 +2143,9 @@ static void reclaim_ramblock(RAMBlock *block)
>>>>          if (block->guest_memfd >= 0) {
>>>>            close(block->guest_memfd);
>>>> +        GuestMemfdManager *gmm = GUEST_MEMFD_MANAGER(block->mr->rdm);
>>>> +        guest_memfd_manager_unrealize(gmm);
>>>> +        object_unref(OBJECT(gmm));
>>> Likely don't matter but I'd do the cleanup before close() or do block-
>>>> guest_memfd=-1 before the cleanup. Thanks,
>>>>            ram_block_discard_require(false);
>>>>        }

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