On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 4:38 AM, Kevin Wolf <kw...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Am 22.04.2012 18:37, schrieb Xin Tong:
>> i have an OS image that does not have network drivers. are there any
>> other ways to copy a benchmark onto the os image ?
> If it is a raw image you can use kpartx to get block devices on the host
> that you can use for mounting the guest file system on the host (the
> guest must not be running, of course).
> If it is some image format, you can try qemu-nbd and attaching the image
> to the host by using an NBD client.
> Or maybe the easiest way is to just create an ISO image and pass that as
> a CD-ROM to the guest.

I am not too sure what you mean by raw image. what i have is an *.img
file that is bootable by QEMU. will kpartx  work ?
> Kevin

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