Keep vmstate_clock!; because it uses a field of type VMStateDescription,
it cannot be converted to the VMState trait without access to the
const_refs_static feature.

Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <>
 rust/qemu-api/src/ | 274 +++--------------------------------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 251 deletions(-)

diff --git a/rust/qemu-api/src/ b/rust/qemu-api/src/
index e45c93587b2..68246fce043 100644
--- a/rust/qemu-api/src/
+++ b/rust/qemu-api/src/
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 //!   [`vmstate_fields`](crate::vmstate_fields).
 //! * direct equivalents to the C macros declared in
-//!   `include/migration/vmstate.h`. These are not type-safe and should not be
-//!   used if the equivalent functionality is available with `vmstate_of!`.
+//!   `include/migration/vmstate.h`. These are not type-safe and only provide
+//!   functionality that is missing from `vmstate_of!`.
 use core::{marker::PhantomData, mem, ptr::NonNull};
@@ -389,223 +389,16 @@ unsafe impl<$base> VMState for $type where $base: 
VMState $($where)* {
     const BASE: VMStateField = <T as VMState>::BASE.with_array_flag(N);
-#[doc(alias = "VMSTATE_UNUSED_BUFFER")]
-macro_rules! vmstate_unused_buffer {
-    ($field_exists_fn:expr, $version_id:expr, $size:expr) => {{
-        $crate::bindings::VMStateField {
-            name: c_str!("unused").as_ptr(),
-            err_hint: ::core::ptr::null(),
-            offset: 0,
-            size: $size,
-            start: 0,
-            num: 0,
-            num_offset: 0,
-            size_offset: 0,
-            info: unsafe { 
::core::ptr::addr_of!($crate::bindings::vmstate_info_unused_buffer) },
-            flags: VMStateFlags::VMS_BUFFER,
-            vmsd: ::core::ptr::null(),
-            version_id: $version_id,
-            struct_version_id: 0,
-            field_exists: $field_exists_fn,
-        }
-    }};
-#[doc(alias = "VMSTATE_UNUSED_V")]
-macro_rules! vmstate_unused_v {
-    ($version_id:expr, $size:expr) => {{
-        $crate::vmstate_unused_buffer!(None, $version_id, $size)
-    }};
 #[doc(alias = "VMSTATE_UNUSED")]
 macro_rules! vmstate_unused {
     ($size:expr) => {{
-        $crate::vmstate_unused_v!(0, $size)
-    }};
-#[doc(alias = "VMSTATE_SINGLE_TEST")]
-macro_rules! vmstate_single_test {
-    ($field_name:ident, $struct_name:ty, $field_exists_fn:expr, 
$version_id:expr, $info:expr, $size:expr) => {{
         $crate::bindings::VMStateField {
-            name: ::core::concat!(::core::stringify!($field_name), 0)
-                .as_bytes()
-                .as_ptr() as *const ::std::os::raw::c_char,
-            err_hint: ::core::ptr::null(),
-            offset: $crate::offset_of!($struct_name, $field_name),
+            name: $crate::c_str!("unused").as_ptr(),
             size: $size,
-            start: 0,
-            num: 0,
-            num_offset: 0,
-            size_offset: 0,
-            info: unsafe { $info },
-            flags: VMStateFlags::VMS_SINGLE,
-            vmsd: ::core::ptr::null(),
-            version_id: $version_id,
-            struct_version_id: 0,
-            field_exists: $field_exists_fn,
-        }
-    }};
-#[doc(alias = "VMSTATE_SINGLE")]
-macro_rules! vmstate_single {
-    ($field_name:ident, $struct_name:ty, $version_id:expr, $info:expr, 
$size:expr) => {{
-        $crate::vmstate_single_test!($field_name, $struct_name, None, 
$version_id, $info, $size)
-    }};
-#[doc(alias = "VMSTATE_UINT32_V")]
-macro_rules! vmstate_uint32_v {
-    ($field_name:ident, $struct_name:ty, $version_id:expr) => {{
-        $crate::vmstate_single!(
-            $field_name,
-            $struct_name,
-            $version_id,
-            ::core::ptr::addr_of!($crate::bindings::vmstate_info_uint32),
-            ::core::mem::size_of::<u32>()
-        )
-    }};
-#[doc(alias = "VMSTATE_UINT32")]
-macro_rules! vmstate_uint32 {
-    ($field_name:ident, $struct_name:ty) => {{
-        $crate::vmstate_uint32_v!($field_name, $struct_name, 0)
-    }};
-#[doc(alias = "VMSTATE_ARRAY")]
-macro_rules! vmstate_array {
-    ($field_name:ident, $struct_name:ty, $length:expr, $version_id:expr, 
$info:expr, $size:expr) => {{
-        $crate::bindings::VMStateField {
-            name: ::core::concat!(::core::stringify!($field_name), 0)
-                .as_bytes()
-                .as_ptr() as *const ::std::os::raw::c_char,
-            err_hint: ::core::ptr::null(),
-            offset: $crate::offset_of!($struct_name, $field_name),
-            size: $size,
-            start: 0,
-            num: $length as _,
-            num_offset: 0,
-            size_offset: 0,
-            info: unsafe { $info },
-            flags: VMStateFlags::VMS_ARRAY,
-            vmsd: ::core::ptr::null(),
-            version_id: $version_id,
-            struct_version_id: 0,
-            field_exists: None,
-        }
-    }};
-#[doc(alias = "VMSTATE_UINT32_ARRAY_V")]
-macro_rules! vmstate_uint32_array_v {
-    ($field_name:ident, $struct_name:ty, $length:expr, $version_id:expr) => {{
-        $crate::vmstate_array!(
-            $field_name,
-            $struct_name,
-            $length,
-            $version_id,
-            ::core::ptr::addr_of!($crate::bindings::vmstate_info_uint32),
-            ::core::mem::size_of::<u32>()
-        )
-    }};
-#[doc(alias = "VMSTATE_UINT32_ARRAY")]
-macro_rules! vmstate_uint32_array {
-    ($field_name:ident, $struct_name:ty, $length:expr) => {{
-        $crate::vmstate_uint32_array_v!($field_name, $struct_name, $length, 0)
-    }};
-#[doc(alias = "VMSTATE_STRUCT_POINTER_V")]
-macro_rules! vmstate_struct_pointer_v {
-    ($field_name:ident, $struct_name:ty, $version_id:expr, $vmsd:expr, 
$type:ty) => {{
-        $crate::bindings::VMStateField {
-            name: ::core::concat!(::core::stringify!($field_name), 0)
-                .as_bytes()
-                .as_ptr() as *const ::std::os::raw::c_char,
-            err_hint: ::core::ptr::null(),
-            offset: $crate::offset_of!($struct_name, $field_name),
-            size: ::core::mem::size_of::<*const $type>(),
-            start: 0,
-            num: 0,
-            num_offset: 0,
-            size_offset: 0,
-            info: ::core::ptr::null(),
-            flags: VMStateFlags(VMStateFlags::VMS_STRUCT.0 | 
-            vmsd: unsafe { $vmsd },
-            version_id: $version_id,
-            struct_version_id: 0,
-            field_exists: None,
-        }
-    }};
-#[doc(alias = "VMSTATE_ARRAY_OF_POINTER")]
-macro_rules! vmstate_array_of_pointer {
-    ($field_name:ident, $struct_name:ty, $num:expr, $version_id:expr, 
$info:expr, $type:ty) => {{
-        $crate::bindings::VMStateField {
-            name: ::core::concat!(::core::stringify!($field_name), 0)
-                .as_bytes()
-                .as_ptr() as *const ::std::os::raw::c_char,
-            version_id: $version_id,
-            num: $num as _,
-            info: unsafe { $info },
-            size: ::core::mem::size_of::<*const $type>(),
-            flags: VMStateFlags(VMStateFlags::VMS_ARRAY.0 | 
-            offset: $crate::offset_of!($struct_name, $field_name),
-            err_hint: ::core::ptr::null(),
-            start: 0,
-            num_offset: 0,
-            size_offset: 0,
-            vmsd: ::core::ptr::null(),
-            struct_version_id: 0,
-            field_exists: None,
-        }
-    }};
-macro_rules! vmstate_array_of_pointer_to_struct {
-    ($field_name:ident, $struct_name:ty, $num:expr, $version_id:expr, 
$vmsd:expr, $type:ty) => {{
-        $crate::bindings::VMStateField {
-            name: ::core::concat!(::core::stringify!($field_name), 0)
-                .as_bytes()
-                .as_ptr() as *const ::std::os::raw::c_char,
-            version_id: $version_id,
-            num: $num as _,
-            vmsd: unsafe { $vmsd },
-            size: ::core::mem::size_of::<*const $type>(),
-            flags: VMStateFlags(
-                VMStateFlags::VMS_ARRAY.0
-                    | VMStateFlags::VMS_STRUCT.0
-                    | VMStateFlags::VMS_ARRAY_OF_POINTER.0,
-            ),
-            offset: $crate::offset_of!($struct_name, $field_name),
-            err_hint: ::core::ptr::null(),
-            start: 0,
-            num_offset: 0,
-            size_offset: 0,
-            vmsd: ::core::ptr::null(),
-            struct_version_id: 0,
-            field_exists: None,
+            info: unsafe { 
::core::ptr::addr_of!($crate::bindings::vmstate_info_unused_buffer) },
+            flags: $crate::bindings::VMStateFlags::VMS_BUFFER,
+            ..$crate::zeroable::Zeroable::ZERO
@@ -644,48 +437,27 @@ macro_rules! vmstate_cell {
-#[doc(alias = "VMSTATE_CLOCK_V")]
-macro_rules! vmstate_clock_v {
-    ($field_name:ident, $struct_name:ty, $version_id:expr) => {{
-        $crate::vmstate_struct_pointer_v!(
-            $field_name,
-            $struct_name,
-            $version_id,
-            ::core::ptr::addr_of!($crate::bindings::vmstate_clock),
-            $crate::bindings::Clock
-        )
-    }};
 #[doc(alias = "VMSTATE_CLOCK")]
 macro_rules! vmstate_clock {
     ($field_name:ident, $struct_name:ty) => {{
-        $crate::vmstate_clock_v!($field_name, $struct_name, 0)
-    }};
-#[doc(alias = "VMSTATE_ARRAY_CLOCK_V")]
-macro_rules! vmstate_array_clock_v {
-    ($field_name:ident, $struct_name:ty, $num:expr, $version_id:expr) => {{
-        $crate::vmstate_array_of_pointer_to_struct!(
-            $field_name,
-            $struct_name,
-            $num,
-            $version_id,
-            ::core::ptr::addr_of!($crate::bindings::vmstate_clock),
-            $crate::bindings::Clock
-        )
-    }};
-#[doc(alias = "VMSTATE_ARRAY_CLOCK")]
-macro_rules! vmstate_array_clock {
-    ($field_name:ident, $struct_name:ty, $num:expr) => {{
-        $crate::vmstate_array_clock_v!($field_name, $struct_name, $name, 0)
+        $crate::bindings::VMStateField {
+            name: ::core::concat!(::core::stringify!($field_name), "\0")
+                .as_bytes()
+                .as_ptr() as *const ::std::os::raw::c_char,
+            offset: {
+                $crate::assert_field_type!(
+                    $struct_name,
+                    $field_name,
+                    core::ptr::NonNull<$crate::bindings::Clock>
+                );
+                $crate::offset_of!($struct_name, $field_name)
+            },
+            size: ::core::mem::size_of::<*const $crate::bindings::Clock>(),
+            flags: VMStateFlags(VMStateFlags::VMS_STRUCT.0 | 
+            vmsd: unsafe { 
::core::ptr::addr_of!($crate::bindings::vmstate_clock) },
+            ..$crate::zeroable::Zeroable::ZERO
+        }

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