Hello, The Call for Proposals for the Linux Plumbers Conf 2012 is out. We're looking for speakers to talk at the Virtualization microconference as well as the main conference. The deadline for proposal submissions is 1st May. This year's edition of LPC is co-located with LinuxCon NA and will be held at San Diego from the 29th to the 31st of August.
More details are at: http://www.linuxplumbersconf.org/2012/2012-lpc-call-for-proposals/ Please note: to submit a proposal for the virt microconf, use the 'lpc2012-virt-' prefix in the Name field. LPC is oriented towards solving problems, and good proposal topics are those which are unresolved problems or proposals that need interaction with multiple subsystems. Please see the CFP page linked above for more details. Thanks, Amit