On 12/5/24 07:07, Zhao Liu wrote:
+impl QEMUTimer {
+    fn new() -> Self {
+        QEMUTimer {
+            expire_time: 0,
+            timer_list: ::core::ptr::null_mut(),
+            cb: None,
+            opaque: ::core::ptr::null_mut(),
+            next: ::core::ptr::null_mut(),
+            attributes: 0,
+            scale: 0,
+        }
+    }

Please implement Zeroable instead and make this just Self::ZERO.

+    // TODO: Consider how to avoid passing in C style callbacks directly.
+    fn timer_new_full<T: QEMUTimerImpl>(
+        timer_list_group: Option<&mut QEMUTimerListGroup>,
+        clk_type: QEMUClockType,
+        scale: u32,
+        attributes: u32,
+        opaque: &mut T::Opaque,

This gets tricky when you have more than one timer per device.  With the right
infrastructure we can make this something like

    fn timer_init_full<'a, 'b: 'a, T, F: 'b Fn(&'b T)>(
        &'a mut self,
        timer_list_group: Option<&mut QEMUTimerListGroup>,
        clk_type: QEMUClockType,
        scale: u32,
        attributes: u32,
        f: &F,
        opaque: &'b T) {
        // SAFETY: the opaque outlives the timer
        unsafe {

So I guess that's another thing I have to extract and post. :)

BTW don't bother with timer_new, only do the non-pointer timer_init.

+    pub fn timer_del(&mut self) {
+        unsafe { timer_del(self as *mut QEMUTimer) };
+    }

Please also add a Drop implementation that calls timer_del.

+pub fn qemu_clock_get_virtual_ns() -> u64 {
+    // SAFETY:
+    // Valid parameter.
+    (unsafe { qemu_clock_get_ns(QEMUClockType::QEMU_CLOCK_VIRTUAL) }) as u64

Maybe something like

pub struct Clock {
    id: QEMUClockType

impl Clock {
    pub fn get_ns() -> u64 {
        // SAFETY: cannot be created outside this module, therefore id
        // is valid
        (unsafe { qemu_clock_get_ns(self.id) }) as u64

pub static CLOCK_VIRTUAL: Clock = Clock { id: QEMUClockType::QEMU_CLOCK_VIRTUAL 
// etc.

and then the user can do timer::CLOCK_VIRTUAL::get_ns().


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