"Maciej S. Szmigiero" <m...@maciej.szmigiero.name> writes:

> From: "Maciej S. Szmigiero" <maciej.szmigi...@oracle.com>
> Currently, ram_save_complete() sends a final SYNC multifd packet near this
> function end, after sending all of the remaining RAM data.
> On the receive side, this SYNC packet will cause multifd channel threads
> to block, waiting for the final sem_sync posting in
> multifd_recv_terminate_threads().
> However, multifd_recv_terminate_threads() won't be called until the
> migration is complete, which causes a problem if multifd channels are
> still required for transferring device state data after RAM transfer is
> complete but before finishing the migration process.
> Defer sending the final SYNC packet to the end of sending of
> post-switchover iterable data instead if device state transfer is possible.
> Signed-off-by: Maciej S. Szmigiero <maciej.szmigi...@oracle.com>

Reviewed-by: Fabiano Rosas <faro...@suse.de>

I wonder whether we could just defer the sync for the !device_state case
as well.

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