On 11/6/24 17:26, Peter Maydell wrote:
On Wed, 6 Nov 2024 at 17:21, Pierrick Bouvier
<pierrick.bouv...@linaro.org> wrote:
I noticed by --enable-debug in configure is a combination of enabling
checks (enable-debug-tcg + graph + mutex), and deactivating optimizations.

Would it be worth keeping the optimizations and runtime checks instead?
This way, there would be no more "timeout" issue.

I'm not sure which added value we get from O0, except for debugging
locally QEMU.

"Debugging locally QEMU" is exactly what --enable-debug is intended for...

I think Pierrick is asking why we don't use --enable-debug-tcg for CI?
That is, enable optimization and checks since we won't be doing local debugging 
within CI.


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