On Sat, Oct 12, 2024 at 4:52 AM Ved Shanbhogue <v...@rivosinc.com> wrote:
> Alistair Francis wrote:
> >> When the Ssdbltrp extension is enabled, SSTATUS.SDT field is cleared
> >> when executing sret. When executing mret/mnret, SSTATUS.SDT is cleared
> >> when returning to U, VS or VU and VSSTATUS.SDT is cleared when returning
> >> to VU from HS.
> >
> >I don't see mret being mentioned in the spec. Where do you see that
> >V/SSTATUS.SDT should be cleared?
> >
> Ssdbltrp specifies:
>     In S-mode, the SRET instruction sets sstatus.SDT to 0,
>     and if the new privilege mode is VU, it also sets
>     vsstatus.SDT to 0. However, in VS-mode, only vsstatus.SDT
>     is set to to 0.

I cannot find this

$ git show --shortstat
commit ef2ec9dc9afd003d0dab6d5ca36db59864c8483c (HEAD -> main, tag:
riscv-isa-release-ef2ec9d-2024-10-16, origin/main)
Author: Andrew Waterman <and...@sifive.com>
Date:   Wed Oct 16 12:09:41 2024 -0700

   Remove future tense from description of now-ratified text (#1685)

2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

$ grep -r sstatus.SDT | grep SRET
src/hypervisor.adoc:if the new privilege mode is VU, the `SRET`
instruction sets `vsstatus.SDT`

What am I missing here?


>     The MRET instructions sets sstatus.SDT to 0, if the new
>     privilege mode is U, VS, or VU. Additionally, if it is
>     VU, then vsstatus.SDT is also set to 0.
> Smdbltrp specifies:
>     The MRET and SRET instructions, when executed in M-mode,
>     set the MDT bit to 0. If the new privilege mode is U, VS,
>     or VU, then sstatus.SDT is also set to 0. Additionally,
>     if it is VU, then vsstatus.SDT is also set to 0.
>     The MNRET instruction sets the MDT bit to 0 if the new
>     privilege mode is not M. If it is U, VS, or VU, then
>     sstatus.SDT is also set to 0. Additionally, if it is VU,
>     then vsstatus.SDT is also set to 0.
> regards
> ved

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