First patch makes access to gate_irq[] using size of input group.
Second patch introduces n_in and n_out Irq Gate propeties and applies
them to exynos4210 boards.

With these properties one can configure gate to group n_in inputs and pass
them to n_out outputs. Gate will make input groups of n_in/n_out size each, so
n_in must be a multiple of n_out.

This device could be used as stand-alone, so, if somebody else needs this, I can
detach it into a separate file.


    Fixed: VMState fields, assert(), 80 chars limit
    Regrouped patches. Now first patch doesn't break emulation.

Evgeny Voevodin (2):
  hw/exynos4210.c: Access gate_irq by using group size.
  hw/exynos4210_gic.c: Introduce n_in and n_out propeties.

 hw/exynos4210.c     |    8 ++++-
 hw/exynos4210.h     |    4 ++-
 hw/exynos4210_gic.c |   69 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 3 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)


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