07.08.2024 07:02, Jason Wang wrote:
Acked-by: Jason Wang <jasow...@redhat.com>
Jason, would you mind picking this up together with -net help bugfix and sending a pull request? This particular change has been (re)tried multiple times by Cindy Lu already, and the bug is still not fixed and affects users. Both this and -net help fix are a must for 9.1 and for stable series. Thanks, /mjt -- GPG Key transition (from rsa2048 to rsa4096) since 2024-04-24. New key: rsa4096/61AD3D98ECDF2C8E 9D8B E14E 3F2A 9DD7 9199 28F1 61AD 3D98 ECDF 2C8E Old key: rsa2048/457CE0A0804465C5 6EE1 95D1 886E 8FFB 810D 4324 457C E0A0 8044 65C5 Transition statement: http://www.corpit.ru/mjt/gpg-transition-2024.txt