On Fri, 19 Jul 2024 at 00:03, Danny Canter <danny_can...@apple.com> wrote:
> This patch's main focus is to enable creating VMs with > 63GB
> of RAM on Apple Silicon machines by using some new HVF APIs. In
> pursuit of this a couple of things related to how we handle the
> physical address range we expose to guests were altered:

Hi -- this is just a note to say that this patch is on my
todo list to review, I just haven't got to it yet. (Unfortunately
it's just missed the cutoff for the upcoming 9.1 release, and
I've been prioritising the for-9.1 stuff.)

I did see one thing from an initial quick eyeball, but
don't bother respinning the patchset just to change that:
I'll do an actual review hopefully in the next week or so.

> +static uint32_t hvf_get_default_ipa_bit_size(void)
> +{
> +    uint32_t default_ipa_size = 36;
> +#if defined(MAC_OS_VERSION_13_0) && \
> +    hv_return_t ret = hv_vm_config_get_default_ipa_size(&default_ipa_size);
> +    assert_hvf_ok(ret);
> +#endif

You can assume we have at least macos 13 or better -- our
minimum supported build platform is at least that new,
and we already dropped some 10.12-and-earlier compat
ifdefs (see commit 2d27c91e2b72ac7).

> +    return default_ipa_size;
> +}

-- PMM

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