Hello folks:
  on device pass-through scenarios, a device can be pass-throued throud iommu 
by making a duplicate page table (IOVA, HPA) with the VCPU map(GPA,HPA), but 
the device in the guest os cant used iommu again
to make its own map like in HOST OS. that can be caculated through two ways:
1. dmesg|grep -i iommu
2. printk the struct busy_type->iommu_ops.
which the first one shows the iommu cant open in vm. and the later shows there 
are no iommu ops bingding to device driver.

So, is this the general case on present device virtualization? if so , did this 
means althoug we can do a nest virtuallization on CPU, but we still cant do the 
device nest virtualzation present?  thank your your kindly help.


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