On 2024/5/7 下午2:10, Thomas Huth wrote:
On 07/05/2024 03.18, maobibo wrote:
On 2024/5/6 下午2:09, maobibo wrote:
On 2024/5/6 下午12:24, Thomas Huth wrote:
On 06/05/2024 05.02, Bibo Mao wrote:
On LoongArch system, there is only virt machine type now, name
LOONGARCH_MACHINE is confused, rename it with VIRT_MACHINE. Machine
about Other real hw boards can be added in future.
Signed-off-by: Bibo Mao <maob...@loongson.cn>
@@ -1245,7 +1244,7 @@ static void loongarch_class_init(ObjectClass
*oc, void *data)
static const TypeInfo loongarch_machine_types[] = {
.parent = TYPE_MACHINE,
.instance_size = sizeof(LoongArchMachineState),
.class_init = loongarch_class_init,
diff --git a/include/hw/loongarch/virt.h b/include/hw/loongarch/virt.h
index 4e14bf6060..5ea2f0370d 100644
--- a/include/hw/loongarch/virt.h
+++ b/include/hw/loongarch/virt.h
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ struct LoongArchMachineState {
struct loongarch_boot_info bootinfo;
bool loongarch_is_acpi_enabled(LoongArchMachineState *lams);
void loongarch_acpi_setup(LoongArchMachineState *lams);
there are currently some efforts going on to create the possibility
to link a QEMU binary that contains all targets in one binary. Since
we already have a TYPE_VIRT_MACHINE for other targets, I wonder
whether it might be better to use LOONGARCH_VIRT_MACHINE than just
VIRT_MACHINE here? Philippe, could you comment on this?
It is great if there is one QEMU binary which supports different
targets. And LOONGARCH_VIRT_MACHINE is ok for me.
Hi Thomas, Philippe,
Does machine name "virt" need be changed if LOONGARCH_VIRT_MACHINE is
used? There will be compatible issues if "virt" machine type is not
suggested to use.
However CPU type "max" is not widely used now, can we get different
architectures from CPU type rather than machine type for one QEMU
binary which supports different targets?
I assume it should be fine to keep the "virt" machine name and "max" CPU
type for each target, we've got a bunch of those already. I assume we'll
keep the binary names as symlinks to the generic binary around and then
decide via argv[0] about the main target...? Philippe, do you have
already concrete plans for this?
The method using symlinks to generic binary is great. It is transparent
to detailed architectures. I will refresh the patch and use
Bibo Mao