On 22 March 2012 06:24, stefan weids <stefanwe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have downloaded the QEMU sources from linaro and built it successfully.
> My PC architecture is X86, I downloaded the test image tarball from linaro,
> the image includes two images (zImage.integrator and arm_root.img). Then I
> use the following commands to boot them on QEMU successfully.

Incidentally I don't think you got this test image from Linaro:
we don't distribute Integrator images or root tarballs...

> # ./qemu-system-arm -kernel arm-test/zImage.integrator -initrd
> arm-test/arm_root.img
> But When I use the uImage I built instead of the test image
> (zImage.integrator), the kernel can not boot up, I don't know why. Please
> help me to create the right uImage with my linux kernel source.

The most common problem is building an image for one type of
board (eg "versatile express") and trying to run it on a QEMU
model of a different board (eg "integrator"). ARM is not like
x86: every board is different and typically you must compile
the kernel specifically for the board you want to run on.
The default for qemu-system-arm is the integrator board but
this is rarely what you want because it is incredibly ancient.

My other piece of advice is to get an image which runs on the
real hardware and work from there. A lot of problems that
ARM qemu newbies have seem to be simple kernel configuration
errors which would be just as much of a problem on the

-- PMM

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