Hi Roy,

On 3/4/24 13:11, Roy Hopkins wrote:
In preparation for supporting the processing of IGVM files to configure
guests, this adds a set of functions to ConfidentialGuestSupport
allowing configuration of secure virtual machines that can be
implemented for each supported isolation platform type such as Intel TDX
or AMD SEV-SNP. These functions will be called by IGVM processing code
in subsequent patches.

This commit provides a default implementation of the functions that
either perform no action or generate a warning or error when they are
called. Targets that support ConfidentalGuestSupport should override
these implementations.

Signed-off-by: Roy Hopkins <roy.hopk...@suse.com>
  backends/confidential-guest-support.c     | 32 ++++++++++
  include/exec/confidential-guest-support.h | 74 +++++++++++++++++++++++
  2 files changed, 106 insertions(+)

  struct ConfidentialGuestSupport {
      Object parent;
@@ -60,6 +94,46 @@ struct ConfidentialGuestSupport {
      char *igvm_filename;
+    /*
+     * The following virtual methods need to be implemented by systems that
+     * support confidential guests that can be configured with IGVM and are
+     * used during processing of the IGVM file with process_igvm().
+     */
+    /*
+     * Check for to see if this confidential guest supports a particular
+     * platform or configuration
+     */
+    int (*check_support)(ConfidentialGuestPlatformType platform,
+                         uint16_t platform_version, uint8_t highest_vtl,
+                         uint64_t shared_gpa_boundary);
+    /*
+     * Configure part of the state of a guest for a particular set of data, 
+     * type and gpa. This can be used for example to pre-populate and measure
+     * guest memory contents, define private ranges or set the initial CPU 
+     * for one or more CPUs.
+     *
+     * If memory_type is CGS_PAGE_TYPE_VMSA then ptr points to the initial CPU
+     * context for a virtual CPU. The format of the data depends on the type of
+     * confidential virtual machine. For example, for SEV-ES ptr will point to 
+     * vmcb_save_area structure that should be copied into guest memory at the
+     * address specified in gpa. The cpu_index parameter contains the index of
+     * the CPU the VMSA applies to.
+     */
+    int (*set_guest_state)(hwaddr gpa, uint8_t *ptr, uint64_t len,
+                           ConfidentialGuestPageType memory_type,
+                           uint16_t cpu_index, Error **errp);
+    /*
+     * Iterate the system memory map, getting the entry with the given index
+     * that can be populated into guest memory.
+     *
+     * Returns 0 for ok, 1 if the index is out of range and -1 on error.
+     */
+    int (*get_mem_map_entry)(int index, ConfidentialGuestMemoryMapEntry *entry,
+                             Error **errp);
typedef struct ConfidentialGuestSupportClass {

Methods are usually a class field, not an instance one. Any
reason to diverge from this norm?



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