Hallo qemu developers,

my company, Mercedes-Benz, has a FOSS sponsorship program for which employees 
can suggest projects. As we are using qemu pretty widely I proposed to sponsor 
qemu. Unfortunately, our program is only supporting Github sponsors due to 
organizational restrictions. So I wondered, if there is any possibility that 
the qemu project adopts the Github sponsors program anytime soon. My colleagues 
from the sponsorship program told me that our ask already let to some projects 
adopt Github sponsors, which also led to some other people giving money.

Best regards,


Dr. Jakob Breu | Manager ADAS Platform Software Integration & CI/CD | RD/ASA | 
Mercedes-Benz AG

Mercedes-Benz Group AG, Stuttgart, Germany | Sitz und Registergericht/Domicile 
and Court of Registry: Stuttgart, HRB - Nr./Commercial Register No.: 762873 | 
Vorstand/Board of Management: Ola Källenius, Vorsitzender/Chairman; Jörg 
Burzer, Renata Jungo Brüngger, Sabine Kohleisen, Harald Wilhelm, Markus 
Schäfer, Britta Seeger

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