02.01.2024 06:29, Jason Wang :
When HASH_REPORT is negotiated, the guest_hdr_len might be larger than
the size of the mergeable rx buffer header. Using
virtio_net_hdr_mrg_rxbuf during the header swap might lead a stack
overflow in this case. Fixing this by using virtio_net_hdr_v1_hash
Reported-by: Xiao Lei <leixiao....@zju.edu.cn>
Cc: Yuri Benditovich <yuri.benditov...@daynix.com>
Cc: qemu-sta...@nongnu.org
Cc: Mauro Matteo Cascella <mcasc...@redhat.com>
Fixes: CVE-2023-6693
Fixes: e22f0603fb2f ("virtio-net: reference implementation of hash report")
Signed-off-by: Jason Wang <jasow...@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: Michael Tokarev <m...@tls.msk.ru>