On Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 03:33:52PM +0100, Hanna Czenczek wrote:
> On 01.10.23 22:46, Denis V. Lunev wrote:
> > Can you please not top-post. This makes the discussion complex. This
> > approach is followed in this mailing list and in other similar lists
> > like LKML.
> > 
> > On 10/1/23 19:08, Mike Maslenkin wrote:
> > > I thought about "conv=notrunc", but my main concern is changed virtual
> > > disk metadata.
> > > It depends on how qemu-img used.
> > > May be I followed to wrong pattern, but pros and cons of adding "conv"
> > > parameter was not in my mind in scope of the first patch version.
> > > I see 4 obvious ways of using `qemu-img dd`:
> > > 1. Copy virtual disk data between images of same format. I think disk
> > > geometry must be preserved in this case.
> > > 2. Copy virtual disk data between different formats. It is a valid
> > > pattern? May be `qemu-img convert` should to be used instead?
> > > 3. Merge snapshots to specified disk image, i.e read current state and
> > > write it to new disk image.
> > > 4. Copy virtual disk data to raw binary file. Actually this patch
> > > breaks 'dd' behavior for this case when source image is less (in terms
> > > of logical blocks) than existed raw binary file.
> > >      May be for this case condition can be improved to smth like
> > >     if (strcmp(fmt, "raw") || !g_file_test(out.filename,
> > > G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) . And parameter "conv=notrunc" may be implemented
> > > additionally for this case.
> > My personal opinion is that qemu dd when you will need to
> > extract the SOME data from the original image and process
> > it further. Thus I use it to copy some data into raw binary
> > file. My next goal here would add ability to put data into
> > stdout that would be beneficial for. Though this is out of the
> > equation at the moment.
> > 
> > Though, speaking about the approach, I would say that the
> > patch changes current behavior which is not totally buggy
> > under a matter of this or that taste. It should be noted that
> > we are here in Linux world, not in the Mac world where we
> > were in position to avoid options and selections.
> > 
> > Thus my opinion that original behavior is to be preserved
> > as somebody is relying on it. The option you are proposing
> > seems valuable to me also and thus the switch is to be added.
> > The switch is well-defined in the original 'dd' world thus
> > either conv= option would be good, either nocreat or notrunc.
> > For me 'nocreat' seems more natural.
> > 
> > Anyway, the last word here belongs to either Hanna or Kevin ;)
> Personally, and honestly, I see no actual use for qemu-img dd at all,
> because we’re trying to mimic a subset of an interface of a rather complex
> program that has been designed to do what it does. We can only fail at
> that.  Personally, whenever I need dd functionality, I use
> qemu-storage-daemon’s fuse export, and then use the actual dd program on
> top.  Alternatively, qemu-img convert is our native interface;
> unfortunately, its feature set is lacking when compared to qemu-img dd, but
> I think it would be better to improve that rather than working on qemu-img
> dd.

Is there a clear view of what gaps exist in 'qemu-img convert', and more
importantly, how much work is it to close the gaps, such that 'dd' could
potentially be deprecated & eventually removed ? 

With regards,
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