On Tue, 2023-10-24 at 13:11 -0500, Glenn Miles wrote:
> Allow external devices to drive pca9552 input pins by adding
> input GPIO's to the model.  This allows a device to connect
> its output GPIO's to the pca9552 input GPIO's.
> In order for an external device to set the state of a pca9552
> pin, the pin must first be configured for high impedance (LED
> is off).  If the pca9552 pin is configured to drive the pin low
> (LED is on), then external input will be ignored.
> Here is a table describing the logical state of a pca9552 pin
> given the state being driven by the pca9552 and an external device:
>                    PCA9552
>                    Configured
>                    State
>                   | Hi-Z | Low |
>             ------+------+-----+
>   External   Hi-Z |  Hi  | Low |
>   Device    ------+------+-----+
>   State      Low  |  Low | Low |
>             ------+------+-----+
> Signed-off-by: Glenn Miles <mil...@linux.vnet.ibm.com>

Reviewed-by: Andrew Jeffery <and...@codeconstruct.com.au>

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