
On Sat, 8 Jul 2006, Chris Wilson wrote:

> I personally don't like tcl as a language, and prefer to code in C++ for 
> efficiency.

Hmmm. "C++" and "efficiency" _does_ constitute a contradiction. Just think 
"operator+()". Honestly, the most inefficient code I saw was done in C++. 
You really should get a weapon's license before coding in C++.

> GTK is also specific to Unix (not Mac) and Windows, and looks weird on 
> Windows, not very native.

Again, hmmm. I do not agree with that "weird" argument. It is no more 
weird than _every single_ Windows version completely changing the 
look&feel, let alone the location of menu items. And they still do not 
provide anything akin to a "Help", because "Windows help" sure does not 
deserve that name. Rather "Welcome to hell" or something similar.

An important point to make is, GTK is in C, which means that even 
Microsoft based compilers respect the same ABI as anyone else (that is 
probably the reason they advertise C++ and C#, and not C, even if 
everything they produce is still C compatible, which is very visible in 
their APIs). WxLib is in C++, which means you cannot link with g++ if the 
lib was compiled with MSVC, and vice-versa. Thank you very much.

> > The main/only point of wx is that mimics quite well some sort of native
> > look&feel, and that is just nice if you have to handle windows users or
> > idiotic managers.
> Or platforms other than Windows and Unix.

If in doubt, take Java. At least starting with Mustang, it really does a 
great job pleasing anyone married to their particular platform's 
look&feel. Plus, Java code really runs everwhere without recompiling. As 
opposed to C#, I might add.


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