Hello Lonnie,

Lonnie Mendez wrote:
>> Next problem:
>> Linux does not recognize it, if I add a "tablet" while linux is allready
>> running. The attach is not delivered to the operating system.
I have solved the problem, it was located in a rejected diff. (it was
the reason I made the new patch earlier)
> (qemu) usb_add host:001:021
> Could not add USB Device 'host:001:021'
> (qemu) info usb
>     Controller 001: uhci
>          001:001 = mouse
>          001:002 = tablet
>          001:001 = host:001:021
>     Summary: 1 USB Controller, 3 USB Devices
> (qemu)
solved see attached patch.
>   Also I've a question on where the emulated hub comes into play. 
> Specifically how do you currently add new devices to it?  The ,addto
> syntax doesn't seem to apply to the emulated hub as it takes a bus
> address (the controller) and an address on the root hub.  But the hub
> itself would be centrally connected to a bus number identifying a
> controller and not have its own.  It seems we've presently traded a
> hub with dynamic ports for 2 static ones.  I'm glad there is a lot
> more internal tracking here as with the previous system you could
> usb_add the same host device several times and it wouldn't care.  This
> should also make it easier to reconnect the ps2 mouse when the hid
> mouse is dettached.
Let me explain it on an example, lets assume you add
usb_add usbhub to 001:001
then you should be able (in fact it is absolutly untested)
usb_add host:2:3 to 001:001:001

it should even work something like:
usb_add  usbhub to 001:001:002
usb_add  host:2:2 to 001:001:002:001

you see, you build up a path. Maximum depth at the moment ist 8.
>   Adding a device by Vendor id and Product id doesn't seem to work. 
> If this is intentional then perhaps the functionality should be
> restored.  qemu users will find this convenient as it is a
> fixed/static identification for a single usb device which is most
> likely going to be the common usage.
I aggree with that, and normaly it should work. The complete name
"host:AAAxBBB" is delivered to usb_host_init(), I will look at it.
>   In regards to the linux guest problem I'm not seeing it.  On an
> older debian SID install which is currently using linux kernel 2.6.14
> all seems well.  The code here is merely the first patch combined with
> CVS along with the already submitted patches.  I'll try to find some
> variation to test with.  In which distro is this happening?
With kind regards,
Tino H. Seifert

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