On 2/11/25 22:43, Kevin Wolf wrote:
+/// Use QEMU's event loops to run a Rust [`Future`] to completion and return 
its result.
+/// This function must be called in coroutine context. If the future isn't 
ready yet, it yields.
+pub fn qemu_co_run_future<F: Future>(future: F) -> F::Output {
+    let waker = Arc::new(RunFutureWaker {
+        co: unsafe { bindings::qemu_coroutine_self() },
+    })
+    .into();

into what? :)  Maybe you can add the type to the "let" for clarity.

+    let mut cx = Context::from_waker(&waker);
+    let mut pinned_future = std::pin::pin!(future);
+    loop {
+        match pinned_future.as_mut().poll(&mut cx) {
+            Poll::Ready(res) => return res,

Alternatively, "break res" (matter of taste).

+            Poll::Pending => unsafe {
+                bindings::qemu_coroutine_yield();
+            },
+        }
+    }
+/// Wrapper around [`qemu_co_run_future`] that can be called from C.
+/// # Safety
+/// `future` must be a valid pointer to an owned `F` (it will be freed in this 
function).  `output`
+/// must be a valid pointer representing a mutable reference to an `F::Output` 
where the result can
+/// be stored.
+unsafe extern "C" fn rust_co_run_future<F: Future>(
+    future: *mut bindings::RustBoxedFuture,
+    output: *mut c_void,
+) {
+    let future = unsafe { Box::from_raw(future.cast::<F>()) };
+    let output = output.cast::<F::Output>();
+    let ret = qemu_co_run_future(*future);
+    unsafe {
+        *output = ret;

This should use output.write(ret), to ensure that the output is written without dropping the previous value.

Also, would qemu_co_run_future() and qemu_run_future() become methods on an Executor later? Maybe it make sense to have already something like

pub trait QemuExecutor {
    fn run_until<F: Future>(future: F) -> F::Output;

pub struct Executor;
pub struct CoExecutor;

and pass an executor to Rust functions (&Executor for no_coroutine_fn, &CoExecutor for coroutine_fn, &dyn QemuExecutor for mixed). Or would that be premature in your opinion?


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