Proud to be the first sponsor of Daniele!

Fatelo tutti.


P.s. non ho provvigioni 😁

On Fri, 6 Mar 2020, 14:50 Marco De Paoli, <> wrote:

> grande Daniele!!
> ... prepared statements, pure python, copy to/from con iteratori,
> transazionalità ricorsiva ... async!! ... wow
> un grazie sentito a Daniele per tutto il lavoro su psycopg2 e buon lavoro
> per il 3!
> adesso mi attivo per il founding...
> cosa che invito anche voi lista a valutare
> ciao!
> Marco
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> Da: Daniele Varrazzo <>
> Date: ven 6 mar 2020 alle ore 11:31
> Subject: psycopg3: request for support
> To: <>
> As the people who know me from the software world know, I have been
> psycopg2 maintainer for a good 10 years. During this time the library
> has become the de-facto standard for Python and PostgreSQL
> interoperation and I have learned all the good and all the bad of it
> from thousands of users. I'm proud of the good, and I would love to
> fix the bad.
> I have wanted to write a worthy successor of psycopg2 for a long time,
> but it hasn't been really possible because of that thing called *real
> job*. I know myself, I am a pretty single-threaded person, and the
> enthusiasm I would have poured into writing psycopg3 would have likely
> sent my employer bust.
> But there's good news! I don't have an employment now! :)
> So I could dedicate plenty of time to write psycopg3... if only I
> didn't have that background fear and need for stability that is
> screaming that I cannot enjoy the simple things of life (playing
> ukulele, making photography, writing database adapters...) but that I
> have to find another employment ASAP.
> Many companies have thrived thanks to the ease of development on the
> Python/Postgres platform: it would be great if they could give back
> some support to the project and help me writing a psycopg
> implementation fit for the challenges of the roaring 20s!
> I have written an article explaining my plans for the adapter and what
> it would look like:
> Please let
> me know what you think, and if you would like to help me to make it
> happen please consider a contribution to keep me away from finding a
> proper job! Thank you!
> -- Daniele
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