> girolamo wrote:
>> ultimamente ho messo gli occhi su SailfishOS basato sul MerProject
>> che per ora gira sul telefono Jolla.

Ci sono build sperimentali per Nexus 5 e Nexus 7 2012:

How to install Sailfish OS on Nexus 5, The easy way

Sailfish OS Alpha Image for Nexus 7 Available for Download

Carlos Catucci wrote:
> Se uscisse un OS mobile come si deve alternativo al duopolio 
> iOS/Android...

Prima o poi ce la faranno, cazzarola: <http://www.ubuntu.com/phone>.

Nicola 'tekNico' Larosa <http://www.tekNico.net/>

Some of the physiological differences that make [women] inferior
with contact weapons are actual advantages at shooting [...].
So much so that anyone who wants to suppress personal firearms
is objectively anti-female and automatically oppressive of women.
 - Eric Raymond, September 2014
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