Pietro Battiston wrote: > ... poi ad un livello più di principio, per me l'ORM è ciò che > permette di usare un database ragionando ad oggetti, e la cosa, > a meno di controindicazioni che ancora mi sfuggono, mi piace.
No, va bene, se ti piacciono il Vietnam e gli antipattern. ;-) Object-Relational Mapping is the Vietnam of Computer Science <http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2006/06/object-relational-mapping-is-the-vietnam-of-computer-science.html> ORM is an anti-pattern <http://seldo.com/weblog/2011/08/11/orm_is_an_antipattern> -- Nicola Larosa - http://www.tekNico.net/ Realizing I was polyamorous - that I had no choice to be anything but polyamorous - and beginning to actually live authentically to who I am was like opening up the curtains and letting all this sunlight in and seeing things clearly for the first time. - Angi Becker Stevens, April 2013 _______________________________________________ Python mailing list Python@lists.python.it http://lists.python.it/mailman/listinfo/python