> enrico franchi wrote:
>> .QANU !nhd bybppR .reozrggrf baergr'y ...vf ,vF
>> .gfvy tavyvnz nah
>> nabvmahs rzbp revcnp n *vfrz* renqan berooreibq vp abA
>> .ngybi nah vq voohva v 'hvc baans aba ...beri bvecbec ,uN

Marco Beri wrote:
> .decode('rot13')[::-1]

>>> from codecs import decode
>>> decode('beri', 'rot_13')[::-1]
>>> decode('vero', 'rot_13')[::-1]


Nicola Larosa - http://www.tekNico.net/

Sex that is given against one's will, or as an exchange, is not real sex.
It's a fraction of the joy which real sex can be. And hurting another
is never desirable. Not just because there's invariably a backlash.
Because we're all part of the same One life; because hurting another
is hurting the being we are all part of. - Sophia Gubb, May 2012

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