--- Comment #9 from John Hein <> ---
(In reply to Philip Homburg from comment #3)

You are using openssl from ports (openssl-1.1.1w).  The openssl shown in
comment 1 (and comment 2) is from base.  So these two builds are not the same.

In the log in comment 3, there is this:

warning: openssl 0x00000000 is too old for _hashlib

That is why the _hashlib module is not being built.  See if you can track down
why the openssl version reported is 0. has:

        # find out which version of OpenSSL we have
        openssl_ver = 0
        openssl_ver_re = re.compile(
            '^\s*#\s*define\s+OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER\s+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)' )

It's looking in openssl/opensslv.h for OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER.  Assuming that
file (from your /packages/All/openssl-1.1.1w,1.pkg) does not have a bad version
definition or is corrupt in some other way, consider that is not using
the opensslv.h from the port and needs to be convinced to do so.  This [using
the wrong openssl header file(s)] may have always been a [hidden] problem with
lang/python27 and the opensslv.h (and perhaps the rest of openssl) in base and
ports were usually close enough to work.

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