On Sat, Apr 22, 2017 at 12:09:00PM +0000, Ximin Luo wrote:
> >> So, you could try to build the version currently in sid, against sid. If 
> >> it FTBFS you can file an RC bug and force the maintainer to fix it. :p
> > 
> > I admit I do not understand this hint, sorry.
> If you look at the "Logs" column of the table linked above, it says "no logs" 
> for arch:all and arch:amd64. This means the DD built these locally and 
> uploaded the binaries, the buildds did not build for these architectures.
> Since your error is in generating the documentation, there might be an 
> inherent problem with building that documentation, that was obscured on the 
> DD's own machine. (Maybe missing B-D). I was suggesting that you try the 
> build against sid, to check that if this is the case. If so (i.e. it FTBFS), 
> then it needs a RC bug filed against it. If not, then my hint here isn't 
> useful.

I can confirm that matplotlib builds fine in an unstable chroot
and I can not see any reason for a bug report.

Kind regards



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