On Sun, May 15, 2016 at 06:54:06PM +0200, Daniele Tricoli wrote:

> This is my actual plan:
> 1. Update urllib3 and requests (the first package is ready, I'm updating 
>    requests right now)
> 2. see if the problem is still present;
> 3. forward the bug upstream; upstream is very responsive so we will have 
>    news soon.

We worked out more details on #debian-admin and I've already posted the
results on the upstream repository.

I'll write it also here:
https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=39243 is relevant, and
they have a rationale and a work-around:

  But you should really design your site to ensure that the first
  request to a client-cert-protected area is not a POST request with a
  large body; make it a GET or something. Any request body has to be
  buffered into RAM to handle this case, so represents an opportunity to
  DoS the server.

I can change python-debiancontributors to do a GET before a post, the
GET gets to negotiate SSL correctly and smoothly, and the POST
afterwards should go through.


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