On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 01:45:05PM +0100, Michael Fladischer wrote:
> I started working on it but I got stuck when I took a shot at running
> the tests as they revealed some dependencies (e.g. microsofttranslator)
> for which I have no interest in packaging them.

Ok, so I've uploaded an actual NMU, targeting this specific issue, then
let's see...

> To be honest, I'm no longer interested in getting this package up to
> DPMT standards as is a mess, even after I put a considerable amount of
> time into polishing it up. Because of it's bad state I also got rid of
> it in all of my projects ... 

Well, that's not really just DPMT standards, I'd say it's usual Debian
standards :D (or at least, what we try for...)

> Maybe someone other would like to give it a shot. I'll push my changes
> but this leaves the package still at FTBFS.

Given that is in a so bad condition, and have a really really low
popcon, maybe consider to remove it from the archive?

                        Mattia Rizzolo

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